Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Bias Against Israel

It is prophesied that all nations will eventually abandon support for Israel; in fact, all nations will eventually be gathered against her in war (see below). This international bias is best seen in UN Resolutions. As of 2012, the UN had passed 79 resolutions directly critical of Israel, and 40% of UN Human Rights Council Resolutions have been against Israel. This is surprising since Israel is the only true democracy left in the Middle East. The video below highlights the UN bias:

The Aggression against Israel

The political bias of the western nations sharpens into aggression when we turn to the Middle East. Much of the conflict between Israel and the Arab-Islamic nations is over Israel's very existence:
"We must constantly repeat that the root of the conflict is the very existence of the State of Israel, the refusal to recognize the State of Israel in any borders whatsoever." [Benjamin Netanyahu, 2012]
For example, consider the following statements:
"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it"
Hamas Charter, 1988 ]
"Israel has continued too long ... the battle has come in which we shall destroy Israel" ... President of Egypt, 1967
"Israel has no roots in the Middle East and would be 'eliminated' ... President of Iran, 2012
"Israel is a cancerous tumour that should be cut and will be cut" ... Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, 2012
To date, no Hamas representative has ever renounced the Hamas Charter (it is a religious document and so cannot be changed, link) and their objective remains to replace the Jewish state with an Islamic caliphate, link. Those who say such things should note that they are simply fulfilling Bible prophecy:
"They have said, 'Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more' (Ps 83.4)
And they should note what God said to Israel via Abraham: "I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you" (Gen 12.3). God also promises Israel: "No weapon formed against you shall prosper" (Isa 54.17).

Friday, January 16, 2015

Evidence of a Young Earth

Age of the earth 

101 evidences for a young age of the earth and the universe

By Don Batten

Published: 4 June 2009(GMT+10)

Can science prove the age of the earth?

No scientific method can prove the age of the earth and the universe, and that includes the ones we have listed here. Although age indicators are called "clocks" they aren't, because all ages result from calculations that necessarily involve making assumptions about the past. Always the starting time of the "clock" has to be assumed as well as the way in which the speed of the clock has varied over time. Further, it has to be assumed that the clock was never disturbed.

There is no independent natural clock against which those assumptions can be tested. For example, the amount of cratering on the moon, based on currently observed cratering rates, would suggest that the moon is quite old. However, to draw this conclusion we have to assume that the rate of cratering has been the same in the past as it is now. And there are now good reasons for thinking that it might have been quite intense in the past, in which case the craters do not indicate an old age at all (see below).

Ages of millions of years are all calculated by assuming the rates of change of processes in the past were the same as we observe today-called the principle of uniformitarianism. If the age calculated from such assumptions disagrees with what they think the age should be, they conclude that their assumptions did not apply in this case, and adjust them accordingly. If the calculated result gives an acceptable age, the investigators publish it.

Examples of young ages listed here are also obtained by applying the same principle of uniformitarianism. Long-age proponents will dismiss this sort of evidence for a young age of the earth by arguing that the assumptions about the past do not apply in these cases. In other words, age is not really a matter of scientific observation but an argument about our assumptions about the unobserved past.

The assumptions behind the evidences presented here cannot be proved, but the fact that such a wide range of different phenomena all suggest much younger ages than are currently generally accepted, provides a strong case for questioning those accepted ages (about 14 billion years for the universe and 4.5 billion years for the solar system).

Also, a number of the evidences, rather than giving any estimate of age, challenge the assumption of slow-and-gradual uniformitarianism, upon which all deep-time dating methods depend.

Many of these indicators for younger ages were discovered when creationist scientists started researching things that were supposed to "prove" long ages. The lesson here is clear: when the evolutionists throw up some new challenge to the Bible's timeline, don't fret over it. Sooner or later that supposed evidence will be turned on its head and will even be added to this list of evidences for a younger age of the earth. On the other hand, some of the evidences listed here might turn out to be ill-founded with further research and will need to be modified. Such is the nature of science, especially historical science, because we cannot do experiments on past events (see "It's not science").

Science is based on observation, and the only reliable means of telling the age of anything is by the testimony of a reliable witness who observed the events. The Bible claims to be the communication of the only One who witnessed the events of Creation: the Creator himself. As such, the Bible is the only reliable means of knowing the age of the earth and the cosmos. See The Universe's Birth Certificate and Biblical chronogenealogies (technical).

In the end the Bible will stand vindicated and those who deny its testimony will be confounded. That same Bible also tells us of God's judgment on those who reject his right to rule over them. But it also tells us of his willingness to forgive us for our rebellious behaviour. The coming of Jesus Christ, who was intimately involved in the creation process at the beginning (John 1:1-3), into the world, has made this possible (see Good news).

Biological evidence for a young age of the earth

The finding of pliable blood vessels, blood cells and proteins in dinosaur bone is consistent with an age of thousands of years for the fossils, not the 65+ million years claimed by the paleontologists.

1. DNA in "ancient" fossils. DNA extracted from bacteria that are supposed to be 425 million years old brings into question that age, because DNA could not last more than thousands of years.

2. Lazarus bacteria-bacteria revived from salt inclusions supposedly 250 million years old, suggest the salt is not millions of years old.

3. The decay in the human genome due to multiple slightly deleterious mutations each generation is consistent with an origin several thousand years ago. Sanford, J., Genetic entropy and the mystery of the genome, Ivan Press, 2005; see review of the book and the interview with the author in Creation 30(4):45-47,September 2008. This has been confirmed by realistic modelling of population genetics, which shows that genomes are young, in the order of thousands of years. See Sanford, J., Baumgardner, J., Brewer, W., Gibson, P. and Remine, W., Mendel's Accountant: A biologically realistic forward-time population genetics program, SCPE 8(2):147-165, 2007.

4. The data for "mitochondrial Eve" are consistent with a common origin of all humans several thousand years ago.

5. Very limited variation in the DNA sequence on the human Y-chromosome around the world is consistent with a recent origin of mankind, thousands not millions of years.

6. Many fossil bones "dated" at many millions of years old are hardly mineralized, if at all. This contradicts the widely believed old age of the earth. See, for example, Dinosaur bones just how old are they really?

7. Dinosaur blood cells, blood vessels, proteins (hemoglobin, osteocalcin, collagen) are not consistent with their supposed age, but make more sense if the remains are young.

8. Lack of 50:50 racemization of amino acids in fossils "dated" at millions of years old, whereas complete racemization would occur in thousands of years.

9. Living fossils-jellyfish, graptolites, coelacanth, stromatolites, Wollemi pine and hundreds more. That many hundreds of species could remain so unchanged, for even up to billions of years in the case of stromatolites, speaks against the millions and billions of years being real.

10. Discontinuous fossil sequences. E.g. Coelacanth, Wollemi pine and various "index" fossils, which are present in supposedly ancient strata, missing in strata representing many millions of years since, but still living today. Such discontinuities speak against the interpretation of the rock formations as vast geological ages-how could Coelacanths have avoided being fossilized for 65 million years, for example? See The "Lazarus effect": rodent "resurrection"!

11. The ages of the world's oldest living organisms, trees, are consistent with an age of the earth of thousands of years. 

Old Earth--Young Human Race

There Are Major Theological and Scientific Problems With A Young Earth

By David J. Stewart

Psalms 102:25, “Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.”

There are numerous problems with the theory that there was no pre-Adamic world. Here are several reasons why a young earth simply cannot be true (or you could call these facts, evidence of an old earth):
If there was no prehistoric world, then how did the earth end up void and darkened. The Bible says that God's Word NEVER returns unto Him void? Isaiah 55:11, “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” God made man upright. God made the angels and Lucifer upright. Sin ruined them. Throughout Genesis 1 we read repeatedly that everything God made was “very good.” So why would God make a void and empty frozen wasteland? Clearly something happened. Jeremiah 4:23-28 tells us that God in His anger made the earth void.

The Bible mentions over 200 different animals and yet not one mention is made of any of the hundreds of prehistoric species in museums today. Surely if sabertooths, mammoths, dinosaurs (tyrannosauruses, brontosauruses, stegosaurus, et cetera), pterodactyls and hundreds of other prehistoric and terrifying creatures had lived amongst men, they would have been mentioned in the Bible. Clearly these creatures lived in a time before time. 

The Bible says that Adam named all the animals (Genesis 2:19), but modern scientists have named 1047 different species of dinosaurs as of September 17, 2008. Adam couldn't name the dinosaurs (a term that didn't exist until the 19th century) because they were not there, that is, dinosaurs weren't a part of the remodeling of God's creation. You can trace the name of every animal and bird back through history, but dinosaurs you cannot. 

Where did Satan come from? Clearly he was already in the Garden of Eden, so he existed before man. 

When did the angels fall? There is no Biblical record of the angels falling during Old Testament times, so clearly they must have been cast down to earth for their rebellion BEFORE Genesis 1:2. 

When did God cast angels into Hell? 2nd Peter 2:4 says that God cast some of the angels that sinned down to Hell (Tartarus, only mentioned once in the New Testament, a special place in Hell just for demons). The logical conclusion is that God cast the angels down BEFORE Genesis 1:2. 

In view of Jeremiah 4:23-28, when did God in His fury destroy the cities of the earth? The Bible tells us, that is, after Genesis 1:1 but before Genesis 1:2. 

In view of Jeremiah 4:23-28, when did God make the earth dark without light to shine? Again, the Bible tells us, that is, after Genesis 1:1 but before Genesis 1:2. 

In view of Jeremiah 4:23-28, when was there NO MAN? Clearly this passage of Scripture refers to a time before mankind existed. Although some scholars would argue that this passage doesn't specifically say it refers to creation, I think it would be irresponsible to ignore Jeremiah 4:23 and 26, “I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light. ... I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger.” There is no other way to conclude this passage, except as concerning the origins of the world. At no time in history has it been dark upon the earth as Jeremiah 4:23-28 says, except between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. 

In Genesis chapter 1, why does the Bible make a distinction between the word “create” (meaning absolute creation) and the word “made” (which means “to make” in the broadest sense of the word)? Clearly something different was going on. God absolutely created the universe, then made it void in His anger, then remodeled the universe in Genesis 1-2. This is not progressive creation as some call it. God created life as we know it 6,000 years ago, but the universe is millions (if not billions) of years old. A young earth cannot explain any of these things. 

When did dinosaurs live? There's no Biblical evidence to show that dinosaurs co-existed with man. The word “behemoth” in Job 40:15 (which some ignorantly allege to be a dinosaur) in the Hebrew means a hippopotamus. Some young-earthers claim that legends of fire-breathing dragons is proof of dinosaurs, but historians have never verified nor even spoken of such creatures (which are as real as Greek mythology). 

A young earth rejects legitimate scientific evidence. There is plenty of fossil and carbon dating evidence to show that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. The skeletal remains themselves of thousands of dinosaurs are clear evidence that dinosaurs lived long, long ago before mankind was created. Numerous scientific methods are used to determine the age of bones and soil. A young earth laughs in the face of legitimate science. Granted, evolution is based upon bad science and fraudulent claims, which is quite the contrary to proven methods of testing the age of materials. Although scientists may not be able to determine whether the earth is hundreds-of-millions verses billions of years old, they certainly can very easily prove that the earth is much older than 6,000 years. 

In Isaiah 14:12-14 Lucifer said he wanted to rise above the clouds to be equal with God. When was Lucifer below the clouds? I believe this logically explains why God destroyed the earth, that is, to punish Lucifer. 

Psalms 102:25 says “Of old” God laid the foundation of the earth. David penned this around 1,000 BC. 

Is radioactive carbon dating that wrong? I read an article today which tried to prove an young earth, saying that newly formed lava rocks tested to be millions of years old. Of course they did, the old rock turned to liquid and back to rock. It is millions of years old. Melting ice to water doesn't change it's chemical composition.

Where did sin originate? Clearly sin did not originate in the Garden of Eden. 

God gave man dominion over the earth. A young earth would mean that all the dinosaurs and gigantic and ferocious mammals (like sabertooth tigers and huge mammoths) lived amongst men. People would have been dinner. It is quite obvious that these beautiful but frightening creatures did not live with mankind. Clearly they are prehistoric creatures. The pterodactyls (gigantic reptile birds) would have been a major threat to humans, and certainly the Bible would have mentioned these creatures if they existed in the Old Testament. 

In Genesis 6:19 God told Noah, “And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.” The Bible doesn't exclude dinosaurs as some foolish scholars claim. If you believe in a young earth, and that dinosaurs lived amongst men, then you can only foolishly conclude that Noah left them behind as excess baggage. Clearly dinosaurs didn't exist during Noah's time. Noah couldn't have fit dinosaurs on the ark if he had tried. God didn't tell Noah to leave behind certain living flesh; but rather, commanded Noah to bring two of every sort of all flesh into the ark. This is further evidence of an old earth. 

132 times throughout the Old Testament we find mention of the lion. In many cases the lion is mentioned as a symbol of strength and ferocity. Job 4:10, “The roaring of the lion, and the voice of the fierce lion, and the teeth of the young lions, are broken.” Proverbs 19:12, “The king's wrath is as the roaring of a lion.” The Bible even says in plain language that the lion is the strongest among beasts. Proverbs 30:30, “A lion which is strongest among beasts, and turneth not away for any.” Surely if tyrannosauruses had dwelt amongst men, then they would have been the strongest among beasts and mentioned instead of lions. No lion would be a match for a Velociraptor, one of the most aggressive and predatory of the dinosaurs. T-rex were meat eaters, but likely scavengers; not hunters like the Velociraptor. 

The Bible teaches that God created Hell for the Devil and his angels. This means Hell existed before man. Matthew 25:41, “Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.” Hell had to exist before the Garden of Eden because Lucifer and his angels had already rebelled and been cast down from Heaven. The Bible evidences that Cain was never saved (Genesis 4:4-5). God gave Cain the opportunity to repent (Genesis 4:7), but instead of believing the Gospel, Cain murdered Abel. I haven't found any indication of whether Adam and Eve were saved, but we know God rejected Adam's fig-leaf religion and slew a innocent animal instead to provide skins of clothing for them, thus picturing the Lamb of God Who paid for the world's sins at Calvary. 

If the universe didn't exist prior to 6,000 years ago when the 6-day creation took place, then when and where was Hell created? The Bible strongly evidences that Hell is inside the earth. Every reference to Hell is down into the earth. Proverbs 15:24, “The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath.” Psalms 55:15, “Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.” Ezekiel 31:17: “They also went down into hell with him unto them that be slain with the sword; and they that were his arm, that dwelt under his shadow in the midst of the heathen.” And there are many other references. If the earth didn't exist prior to man, then Hell could not possible be in the earth, because 1st Peter 2:4 says God cast some of the demons down into Hell (Tartarus). 

There are three Greek words for our English word Hell: Hades, Tartarus and Gehenna. I think it is clear that they are all within the earth. The Bible wouldn't say down if it weren't so. Jesus plainly said in John 14:2, “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you.” God said what He meant, and meant what He said.

These are 20 proofs I have thought up off the top of my head why a young earth is not possible. I'm sure there are hundreds more. The Bible, common sense, science, archaeology, paleontology and history all testify of an old earth.

Is this not the same thing that homosexuals are doing to Christians today? Instead of repenting of their unbelief and believing the Gospel, they instead murder Christians with their hatred. 

The Bible Teaches An Old Earth

Psalms 102:25, “Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.”

Contrary to the young-earth gang who have no Scriptural support for their heresies, the Bible contains MUCH evidence of an old earth.

For example: Satan was already in the Garden of Eden. The Bible plainly tells us in Isaiah 14:12-14 that Lucifer was cast down and desired to be above the clouds, equal with God. Thus, he must have been below the clouds when he said that, that is, upon the earth.

The life of Job happened during the same time as Genesis (but that's a different Bible study) Job 1:6-7, “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” Here we learn that Satan travels not only vertically, but also horizontally through the earth. I don't believe that Satan is restricted to the earth. Ephesians 2:2 calls Satan the prince of the power of THE AIR, but I believe that Satan as a spirit also has the capability to descend into the earth. Revelation 17:8, “The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition...” In order for the Beast to “ascend” out of the bottomless pit it must first be in the pit.

Clearly sin and Satan were already present in the Garden of Eden. Satan sinned before Eve, and Eve sinned before Adam, and when Adam sinned it brought sin and death into the world (Romans 5:12). Young-earthers say that sin couldn't have existed before Adam, but Eve sinned first did she not? Yes, she certainly did sin first. And Satan sinned before Eve by attempting to lead her into sin against God. Of course, Lucifer had previously sinned against God by attempting to be equal with God (the same sin of feminists today). Lucifer became Satan, the accuser of the brethren. This all happened BEFORE Genesis 1:2.

God created the universe in Genesis 1:1, but a cataclysmic event made the earth void. Jeremiah 4:23-28 plainly teaches that God in His wrath laid the earth to ruin, destroying the cities thereof and blackening the stars. In Genesis 1-2 God remodeled the universe and made it as we know today. This in no way negates nor rejects a literal six-day creation as the Bible teaches. I DON'T believe in theistic evolution, nor in progression creationism.

I believe that God created the universe billions of years ago, before mankind every existed. Nothing evolved. God destroyed the pleasantness of the earth, shaking the mountains and laying the earth waste, turning it into a frozen wasteland of void and darkness. Isaiah 55:11 says that God's Word NEVER, NEVER, NEVER returns unto Him void, failing to accomplish that which He has spoken. God created man upright. God created the angels and Lucifer upright. Sin ruined them. Everything God made in Genesis 1:2-2:25 was not just good, but “very good.” Yet how did the earth become void, without form and dark in Genesis 1:2? Clearly there was a cataclysmic event between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.

To deny an old earth is to totally reject all these Scriptures and truths. God never calls us to blind faith. We have every reason in the Scriptures to place our faith in God our Savior, Jesus Christ. The Bible never contradicts legitimate science, and legitimate science never contradicts the Bible. A young earth view must be accepted on blind faith, because there is no evidence to support it. So young-earthers pervert the facts, falsely accusing old-earthers of being evolutionists in order to demonize them, and desperately grasp for straws in a futile attempt to prove their heresies. If you take the Bible at face value, you can only conclude an old earth.