How We Got God's Word By David J. Stewart

How We Got God's Word
By David J. Stewart
Psalms 45:1, “My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”
       I gleaned the following thoughts from a timeless and needful sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) titled,HOW WE GOT GOD'S WORD?
Dr. Hyles provides the following sermon outside:
  1. The Words of God have always been in Heaven.
  2. Man must have them to live.
  3. God must find a way to get every Word up there down here to man.
  4. God chose men and made them holy. He did not choose men who were holy; but rather, He chose men to make them holy. By that I mean He set them apart to be His pen.
  5. God could not trust giving to sinful man the Words to give to us, so God gave those Words through these men, holy (chosen and sanctified) men. And through those men He gave His Words to us.
God Himself gave His Words, not to holy men of old; but rather, through holy men of old. God literally put His Words into their mouth. Those chosen men of old, which God set apart for His use, were simply PENS.
King David said...
Psalms 45:1, “My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”
Through the prophet Isaiah God said...
Isaiah 59:20-21, “And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD. As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever.”
Beware of any false prophet who teaches that we have no perfect, inerrant, infallible, inspired, preserved English Bible. Bless God, we have that inspired Bible in the KING JAMES BIBLE. God used holy men (that is, men set apart for God's use) to give us the Words of God. God gave men His very Words, not His thoughts, to holy chosen men of old. God did not give His Words tothese men to give us; but rather through these men.
The Words God gave bypassed the brains of those sinful men. There's no man in this world righteous enough to be able to take the Words of God almighty and be the custodian of those Words and get those Words to us. Man did not decide what he wrote; but rather, the writers were pens, and God was the Penman. Moses was a murderer. David was an adulterer and murderer. Paul was a murderer. God did not trust those mortal creatures to give us God's Word. Are you going to trust a whoremongering man like Solomon who had 700 wives and 300 concubines to give us the Words of God? No way! God used Solomon's mouth, not his brain. David said he was not the penman; but rather, only the pen for the Lord.
Again we read...
Psalms 45:1, “My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”
They weren't holy in the sense of righteous living; but rather, they were “set apart” and chosen for God's purpose and work. Those inspired Words have been divinely preserved unto this day in the inspired King James Bible. The Bible is not men giving us the Words of God; but rather, it is God Himself giving us His Words using the mouths of the men who were chosen by God to do so.
Moses did not give us the Pentateuch (i.e., the first 5 books of the Old Testament). Moses was the mere pen. God is the Penman. It was God speaking through Moses. God cannot use the impure minds of a murderer like Moses, nor an adulterer like David to get His pure Words to us...
Psalms 12:6, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”
“Pure” means that you cannot improve on them. God's Words are perfect and cannot be made better. God cannot use the impure minds of men to give us God's pure Words. So God chose men and made them holy (not in the sense of being righteous, but in the sense of being chosen). And God said, I'm going to use your mouth and your tongue. The men who wrote the Bible were mere PENS, but God is the divine PENMAN.
Most of the men who wrote the Bible didn't even know what they were writing when they wrote it. The Words of the Bible were not given to us by a man named Moses who killed an Egyptian, nor by an adulterer and murderer named David, nor by a Christ-denier named Peter; but rather, by the God Who penned them. God is the Penmen, and the men whom God chose to give us the Bible were mere pens.
God PROMISED in Psalm 12:6-8 to PRESERVE His Words unto every generation, because we need every Word of God to live as Deuteronomy 8:3 and Matthew 4:4 teach. We have those inspired and preserved Words in the precious King James Bible.
The following needful quote is from Pastor Jack Hyles...
“You recall the first appearance that Satan made on earth, as far as the Bible records, is the appearance in the Garden of Eden. When he came to man and accused God to man. He said, God's Word is not true, I know what God said, but it's not true. Satan has not stopped that kind of dastardly conduct. He still casts reflection on the Word of God. Any time you find a teacher or preacher who stands behind a pulpit or sits behind a desk, and says that this Bible is not verbally word-for-word inspired of God, you can rest assured where that came from. It came from the father of lies, even the one who began such behavior and such accusations in the Garden of Eden.”
SOURCE: Pastor Jack Hyles, from the excellent sermon WHEN SATAN IS AT HIS WORST.
Did you read that? ...
“Any time you find a teacher or preacher who stands behind a pulpit or sits behind a desk, and says that this Bible is not verbally word-for-word inspired of God, you can rest assured where that came from. It came from the father of lies...”
SOURCE: Pastor Jack Hyles, from the excellent sermon WHEN SATAN IS AT HIS WORST.

There is a malicious attack these days against the inspiration of the King James Bible. It is a critically important issue, because we must have every Word of God if we are to be able to live spiritually as Matthew 4:4 teaches. Don't let the Devil steal your confidence, faith, love, and trust in the inerrant, infallible, impeccable, and inspired Words of God divinely preserved in the precious King James Bible.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Realization of Faith

    I slap my face, literally in front of the mirror to see (and maybe feel) that when I kick another's faith I am actually stabbing his or her heart. Now, what are you going to do about that? I just tell you that my God is God and yours are mammon. Well, that is if I am right, who will judge between us? God? How about those who do not believe? Can we apply Muslim standard to a Buddhist or Hindu?
  Aha! Somebody said that Jesus Christ is not a Christian. If he was, he would not be as dirty as you. So maybe Jesus is not a Christian...because he is Good and Christians are evil.
Now I sit down and slap my face again...Better act like Jesus, if you want that Christian surname attach in your bio-data.

   I've mellow right? Wont be arguing for're not listening anyway...

   Factual data wouldn't change your views, some memories are even altered so it seems these whole discussion is pointless NOT unless the Holy Spirit awaken you. Maybe you can find the reading entertaining somehow.  ☺ Critical thinking doesn't have to be quick in judgment...and that's what I'm trying to practice right now. 

   I will perhaps blog here from time to time....

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Catholics and Protestants - How big are the differences?

Catholics and Protestants - How big are the differences?
by Dennis Pollock
Catholics and Protestants How big are the differences? by Dennis Pollock
"The Roman Catholic Church is a counterfeit... of the worst and most diabolical kind... to be rejected and denounced." - Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones
"I'm eradicating the word Protestant even out of my vocabulary .. I'm not protesting anything... It's time for Catholics and non-Catholics to come together as one in the Spirit and one in the Lord." - Paul Crouch on TBN
When twenty Evangelical and twenty Catholic leaders signed the document, Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium, (or ECT for short), in the spring of 1994, it set off a firestorm of controversy which shows no indications of letting up. Signed by such Christian leaders as Bill Bright, Charles Colson and Pat Robertson, this document suggests that the time has come for Evangelicals and Catholics to walk together and recognize that they must unite in battle against the common foes of humanism and relativism, and agree to stop proselytizing one another.

Reactions to ECT

Several major figures in evangelical Christianity have strongly disagreed. Men such as John MacArthur, R. C. Sproul, John Ankerberg, James Kennedy, and Dave Hunt have contended that ECT is a minimizing of the truth of justification by faith, gives the false impression that any doctrinal differences between Catholics and Protestants are small and of little importance, and mocks the Reformation as irrelevant and unnecessary.
The editors of Charisma magazine recently devoted their July issue to this controversy. In two major articles, "What Protestants Should Know About Catholics," and "What Catholics Should Know About Protestants," they attempted, by their own admission, to "help us find common ground."
The first article was by Keith Fournier, an evangelical Catholic lawyer who serves as an apologist for the Catholics to the evangelical community. He attempts to convince Charisma's mostly evangelical readers that the Catholic church really is legitimate and is not that far from the Evangelicals. His first main point is that "the Catholic Church is Christian." He goes on to try to defuse some of the hot buttons to which most Protestants object, admitting that not all Catholics are converted, and insisting that Catholics believe the Bible, do not worship Mary, and believe in salvation by grace.

Charismatic Catholics

In the 1960's and 70's a phenomenon began happening in the Catholic Church that would have never been believed by some of the fiery reformers and revivalists of previous generations. Priests, nuns, and thousands of ordinary Catholics began to come into a new experience with Jesus and with the Holy Spirit.
Catholics began doing things that seemed decidedly un-Catholic as they met together in homes for prayer meetings, danced "in the Spirit," spoke in tongues, laid hands on the sick, and openly witnessed to others about their faith in Jesus. Many Evangelicals (myself included) began to believe for the first time that it just might be possible for one to be a Catholic and be saved. They sang the same songs that we did, actually read their Bibles, and sometimes seemed to even outshine us in their zeal for Jesus.
Practically from the moment that this began happening, questions began to arise not too dissimilar to those that the believing Jews were debating in the early church as they wondered what to do with the Gentiles who had put their faith in the Messiah. This time we were wondering what to do with the Catholics. Should we encourage them to "flee Babylon" or should we preserve unity by urging them to stay in their churches and be a witness for Jesus to the others? While many offered opinions, the question never really did get resolved. Some left, some stayed, and gradually things began to get back to normal.
Today the question, although in a different form, has resurfaced. It is not one which can be lightly answered. I have been around long enough to know that there are most definitely Catholics who love the Lord Jesus. Certainly I have known Catholics that I could fellowship with at a far deeper level than any liberal Protestants, and even many Fundamentalists. But this is not really the issue. Nearly all Protestants will (or should) admit that there are Catholics who have been born again and who are legitimate brothers and sisters in Christ.
Some of the questions raised by the ECT document are as follows:
Is the Catholic Church as a whole a Christian Church?
Would an individual who strictly followed the official Catholic position on salvation be truly saved?
Are the differences between Protestants and Catholics merely minor and insignificant?
Would the Catholic Church be a healthy place to be for a new convert who knew almost nothing about Christian truth?

Differences of a Minor Kind

In attempting to answer these kinds of questions, it is important to "major on the majors and minor on the minors." Before we can do this, however, we must first establish what the majors and minors are.
Certainly, even in the ranks of evangelical Christians, there are many differences in styles and practices of worship. Some churches offer communion once a month and others insist it must be offered every Sunday. Some churches sing ancient songs from hymnals and others project peppy praise choruses on a screen with an overhead projector. Certain churches emphasize teachings about God's desire to bless His people in this present world, while others focus more upon heavenly blessings in the age to come.
While we may look critically at the way other churches do things, we still think of their members as brothers and sisters in the Lord, even though we may consider them to be misguided.
As we consider the Catholic Church, most Protestants don't have to look long to find things that they are uncomfortable with. Confessing sins to a priest, using rosary beads, giving allegiance to the Pope, praying to the saints, and believing in the notion of purgatory are all alien to a Protestant's Christian perspective.
But one of life's really demanding challenges is knowing what's worth making an issue about. For example, I think the idea of regularly confessing one's sins to a priest is unbiblical and unnecessary. Yet, if Catholics want to do that, I am not going to go on an "anti-confessional" crusade. I feel no need to borrow my son's baseball bat and rush into Catholic churches, Carrie Nation style, to smash up confessional booths.
There are a number of other practices that would fall into this category. The robes worn by the priests seem pretentious. Praying with beads smacks of superstition. Having their churches filled with statues of the saints makes me uncomfortable. Demanding that all adherents attend church once a week upon threat of mortal sin seems legalistic. Yet these things, while foreign to non-Catholics and having little or no biblical basis, should not, in themselves, be enough to keep Evangelicals and Catholics from working together as brothers and sisters in Christ or from recognizing the legitimacy of one another's faith.
If God only accepted as His children those Christians who walk in perfect understanding and whose churches are the perfect expression of His mind and will, heaven would be a sparsely populated place indeed. When we look at the vast differences between the Methodists and the Pentecostals, the Baptists and the Churches of Christ, it becomes obvious that we must either allow for some pretty big differences of worship and practice, or else cling to that cultish arrogance which says that our little group is the only one God is interested in.

Bigger Problems

If the differences between Catholics and Protestants were simply a manner of form and style, there would be no reason for concern over the ECT document. Sadly, there are bigger issues involved, much bigger issues.
Consider the Catholics' preoccupation with Mary. The Catholic apologists, such as Keith Fournier, would have us to believe that they do not worship, or even pray to Mary. Fournier writes: "Catholics venerate Mary... (they) only worship and pray to the Creator, not to creatures... poorly catechized Catholics have at times gone to extremes and appeared to elevate Mary over Jesus. But their mistaken piety does not reflect the teaching of the Catholic church." Thus it is all a big misunderstanding. Catholics and Protestants alike respect Mary as a wonderful woman of God, so what's the problem?
The problem is that "it just ain't so!" The current Pope, John Paul II, has the Latin words totus tuus sum Maria (Mary, I'm yours) embroidered on the inside of his robes, and he has attributed his escape from death at the hands of an assassin to Mary, acknowledging, "For everything that happened to me on that day, I felt that extraordinary Motherly protection and care, which turned out to be stronger than bullets."
In his petition to Mary at the close of the Sunday Mass in Denver in August, 1993, the Pope prayed: "Mary of the New Advent, we implore your protection on the preparations that will now begin for the next meeting. Mary, full of grace, we entrust the next World Youth Day to you. Mary, assumed into heaven, we entrust the young people of the world... the whole world to you." Is this the prayer of a poorly catechized, extremist Catholic? If the Pope prays to Mary and commits all the world's youth to her, what should we expect from the rest of the church?
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen declared: "When I was ordained, I took a resolution to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Eucharist every Saturday to the Blessed Mother... All this makes me very certain that when I go before the Judgment Seat of Christ, He will say to me in His Mercy: 'I heard My Mother speak of you.'"
Major Catholic leaders have consistently worshipped Mary and seen in her the key to their salvation. St. Bonaventure said, "the gates of heaven will open to all who confide in the protection of Mary." St. Ephrem called devotion to the divine Mother "the unlocking of the gates of the heavenly Jerusalem." Blosius said, "We ought constantly to pray to her... 'Open to us, O Mary, the gates of paradise, since thou hast its keys.'"
Friends, we are no longer talking about differences in styles of worship. These things get right to the heart of what is Christianity, and what it is that makes one a Christian. This unhealthy, idolatrous preoccupation with Mary is utterly without any basis in Scripture and is, no doubt, responsible for sending countless millions into hell, vainly trusting in the "Queen of Heaven" rather than the Prince of Peace.

Another Gospel

The apostle Paul took the gospel seriously, so seriously that he even referred to it as "my gospel" (Romans 2:16). He declared that any who would try to pervert the gospel or come up with some false version of it should be totally disregarded, even if they came with the appearance of an angel from heaven (Galatians 1:8).
The ultimate factor in deciding the legitimacy of the Catholic Church is its presentation of the gospel, its answer to the age-old question of "What must I do to be saved?" The Catholic apologists argue strongly that the Catholics, like the Protestants, believe in salvation by grace through faith. Keith Fournier declares, "As the Catholic Church teaches, we are converted to Christ by our faith, not because of our good works; and we do good works only because we have the divine grace to do so." This sounds very evangelical; Billy Graham could not have said it better.
The trouble is that in order for us to find out the position of the Catholic Church we must look beyond the apologists. These are often born again believers themselves, who have indeed found Christ through personal faith, and are eager to have the world believe that Catholics and Evangelicals are but two flavors of the same church.
To anyone who bothers to do much reading on the Catholic position on salvation, the truth becomes readily apparent - the official position of the church is that salvation comes through grace, but the grace is distributed a little at a time through the official sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church. The Council of Trent proclaimed: "If anyone says that the sacraments... are not necessary for salvation but... that without them... men obtain from God through faith alone the grace of justification... let him be anathema."
The Vatican II Apostolic Constitution declares: "Following in Christ's steps, those who believe in Him have always... carried their crosses to make expiation for their own sins and the sins of others..." Anyone who is familiar with the writings of Paul will immediately realize what incredible blasphemies these quotes are! They mock the cross of Christ and show utter disregard for the very heart of New Testament theology.
This is no small issue. No matter how much help our Catholic friends may be in working with us in the great moral reforms of our day, we would be less than loving to disregard their blatant misconceptions and try to pretend that we are one in the Lord, and that, as Pat Robertson has suggested, "While there may be differences between the two faith communities, it is time that we focus on the similarities." We are not talking about the differences between blue or red choir robes, we are talking about two diametrically opposed belief systems which cannot possibly both be true. Even Catholic apologist Peter Kreeft admits: "Over the past 25 years I have asked hundreds of Catholic college students the question: If you should die tonight and God asks you why He should let you into heaven, what would you answer? The vast majority of them simply do not know the right answer to this, the most important of all questions, the very essence of Christianity. They usually do not even mention Jesus!"
If someone I cared about had just been born again, and was now studying theology in the Catholic Church, I would be deeply concerned. If he were to believe the official Catholic teachings, he soon would no longer trust in Christ alone for his salvation, but would be putting his faith in Mary, communion, baptism, and a number of other sacraments and works, and according to Galatians, would be fallen from grace and alienated from Christ (Galatians 5:4). I would do anything I could to get him out of that church and into one which teaches that grand old biblical doctrine of justification by faith in Christ alone.
Yes, there are certainly wonderful born again Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ, and I praise God for them. May their numbers increase by millions more! But we must not approve nor should we endorse any system which makes our Savior's death only a partial payment for the sins of mankind. When Jesus said, "It is done," it was done!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Recent Paradigm Shift

I have not  written an article of my own for quite sometime now, merely sharing some item I've found on the web which I presume worth sharing....not necessarily something I believe personally but something needed our attention on matters of this world and above. Some may call these as Wisdom of a fool.... and some fools were actually right or probably more correct... or somewhat correct.  They said that all statement are half-truth. Basically, when it comes to the after-life anyone could be right or totally right... or partially right. 

   I'm under-going my own shift of paradigm and it was hard really to take away something you've already incorporated in your lifestyle and values. At this point, I am on a process of sorting.... 
   Nothing really big or grand scale shift, just minor re-adjustment.... we can not be too fanatical; that's my first cause of change or don't you ever think to be too heroic.  Most ideals are falsified and embroidered with bad motives. 

   As you would know, I've been more concern in my artistry these past months why I've partially hid away from the NWO, occult, and esoteric issues. Yet, somethings can not be easily ignored because it was inter-woven into the very fabric of your existence. Since my art was part of my world it was absolutely necessary also that I protect it from Demonic schemes. 

    The first step to initiate change is to generate interest. In this case, that will probably only result from an underground effort. Sporadically I still share my sentiment against the system.... via Facebook posting. Not to harsh as to over attract attention...or a little tweaking needed so it would fit on the mind-frame of the un-illuminated. Carefully selecting words, as not to offend common friends. Just a little poking would do.... 
   Atheism has spread like wildfire, mostly in subtle ways.... some would still claim to be a Theist but in mind-frame are disgustingly Satanic and taking a stance of an unbeliever. I love to discuss the flaw of Darwinian because it is very necessary.... it inter-woven even in Christianity. 

   I'm still's a good will probably be listening anyway..... time is becoming short. I have dreams of my own to fulfill. Material dreams and Spiritual destiny could go hand in hand sometime. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

How You Can Prevent Alien and Military Abductions by Michael Relfe
How You Can Prevent Alien and Military Abductions
by Michael Relfe
Updated with new information April 2005
(Please re-read the entire article)
We, Michael and Stephanie Relfe, discovered the following through our own experience. For background information, please read "The Mars Records", Books 1 and 2 which are free to download from In those books you will learn how Michael was abducted once a month for a number of years. Later, in July 2001 Stephanie was abducted by reptilians when she was pregnant. They stole our two month old pre-term daughter.
Michael has used the techniques given below three times every week. Because of this, Michael has been abducted only once since October 2000. That was when we moved from Virginia to Arizona in March 2002, when they used another technology which we didn't know of at that time. He then updated the list of prayers as well as learned to change the Quantum Matrix inside the PERSON, not just the area. He has not been taken since March 2002.
When the reptilians abducted Stephanie and stole our daughter, she got a picture of a "worm hole inside of a wormhole". It was then we realised that they also use fractal technology and we added that to the list as well.
We are very happy to report that, although we suffered psychic attack often during Stephanie's next pregnancy, we had a healthy baby boy born to us in summer 2003.
Neither Michael or Stephanie have been taken since March 2002.
We believe this to be true due to the following:
  • Accurate use of muscle testing.
  • The absence of imbalances which muscle testing previously indicated were caused by abductions.
  • Absence of new "wernicke's commands" such as "you will forget this
  • The absence of physical indicators of abductions, including:
    • "Out-of-the-blue" feelings of total and utter exhaustion
    • Scars, marks and bruises
    • Missing time
    • Brightly colored areas on various parts of the body when viewed with a black light after an abduction and before a shower.

How Michael Relfe Found How to Stop Abductions
Michael thought that they might come to get him the next night.
He had been praying hard for an answer to the ongoing abductions for quite a while. He was very ill with a high temperature which he had had for ten days. We believed this was from some kind of innoculation during one of the abductions. During that time he was especially earnest in seeking God’s help for what was going on.
Michael described it as follows –
“It was like a realization or finding something that had been lost. I was praying and asking God for an answer on how to stop the abductions. I remembered the passages in the old testament on how the Lord would fight for his people if they asked him and how He would give the enemy into their hands.
I “got” that the enemy jump gate technology was “damaging” to the space-time continuum and that the space-time continuum could be healed.
I couldn’t imagine healing ALL space time just as I couldn’t imagine healing ALL the people in the world. But I knew that it could be done locally. Sometime later I read an interview from a very arrogant reptilian female that described there was more to reality than my limited undertsanding of a "space-time continuum" and that it was really a larger all-encompassing thing called the "Quantum Matrix".
I realized that it was crucial to change the quantum matrix in your house and within striking distance of your house as well as to change it inside yourself and your family and within striking distance of yourself and family. You must do both. When you start doing this you will be attacked, so use kinesiology to quickly locate the attack and prayer and deliverance to eliminate the attack (see below and see
So I did the following –
1. Ask God to send angelic protection for the house that we were living in and to seal it off from the attacks of the enemy.
“Heavenly Father, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you in Jesus name to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of billions of legions of angels to surround and encamp around this house and within striking distance of this house and set up angelic shields, protective devices, impenetrable force fields and angels to seal this house off from creation.
In Jesus name Father I ask you to send angels to bind up all the free demons trapped inside this house when the shield is closed and to send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus name.
In Jesus name Father I ask you to break, destroy, cut, dissolve, and sever every line of remote viewing, energy drain, energy supply, remote influence, command and control and surveillance that the enemy would try to put through this shield. In Jesus name, Father I ask you to make this shield impregnable to all the attacks of the enemy”.
2. Then put your hands in the air, as though you are laying hands on “space” for healing and say the prayers below.
Changing The Quantum Matrix - Pray for angelic shields around your house or apartment.
Father, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I ask you to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of billions of legions of angels to surround and encamp around this house and to set up angelic shields, protective devices, impenetrable force fields, angels and everything else you think is necessary to seal off this house from all creation , in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Remove any trapped demons
 - Father, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I ask you to please send angels to bind up and remove all demons that were trapped when the shield was closed, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Break any remaining hooks into you - 
In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I break, crush, dissolve, smash and destroy every line of remote viewing, energy drain, energy supply, remote influence, surveillance and command & control attached to me in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind everything that came into me with these lines and Father, I ask you to send all these things back to whoever send them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Remove all interference.
- Father, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I ask you to please remove every thing inside me that would hinder, jam, interfere or prevent me from praying and changing the quantum matrix, in Jesus name I pray, amen.
Note: If you start doing this on a regular basis, the enemy will pour a lot of interference in your direction, trying to discourage you. God will sometimes allow this to make you a better soldier. The following are some of the things that have been sent to interfere with me. This list is not complete.
  • Shadows
  • Dampening Field
  • Spiders (These are not real spiders. They are alien beings that have been enslaved to do evil)
  • Force Field
  • Worm Holes
  • Blackness
  • Black Holes
  • Darkness
  • Alien Circuitry
Blocks In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I break the power of the Shadows over me. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Shadows and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strongman inside of boxes, inside of more boxes to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels singing scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’  name. Father I ask you to send angels to guard that box so the demons cannot free him, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all demons subordinate to the strongman over the Shadows. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all demons subordinate to the strongman over the Shadows to leave now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all other spirits and entities under the command of the strongman over the Shadows. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I loose you from all commands, controls, attachments, mind control, programming, agreements, oaths and bonds to the strongman over the Shadows or the Shadows themselves. I command all demons to go where Jesus’ wants you to go and I command all other entities to go home and never return, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. (Do this for each thing interfering)
Change The Quantum Matrix in your home

Important note: When praying to change the quantum matrix, all members of a family should be holding hands or be in physical contact with one another. The head of the household prays and the other members should pray in agreement.
Father in heaven, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I ask you to change the quantum matrix in this sealed off house, and within striking distance of this sealed off house across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all time lines, all universes, all frequency domains, across all bubbles in the omniverse, across all planes of  existence and across all the quantum matrix so that:

The enemy’s jump gate technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal jump gate technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s living machine jump gate technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal living machine jump gate technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s time travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal time travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s living machine time travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal living machine time travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s transporter technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal transporter technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s living machine transporter technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal living machine transporter technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s teleportation technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal teleportation technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s living machine teleportation technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal living machine teleportation technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s dimensional travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal dimensional travel technology will not function in this sealed offhouse.
The enemy’s living machine dimensional travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal living machine dimensional travel technology will not function in this sealed offhouse.

The enemy’s wormhole travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal wormhole travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s living machine wormhole travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal living machine wormhole travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s magical technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal magical technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s living machine magical technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal living machine magical technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s walk-thru-walls technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal walk-thru-walls technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s living machine walk-thru-walls technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal living machine walk-thru-walls technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s resonance travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal resonance travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s living machine resonance travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal living machine resonance travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.

An enemy sender, an enemy fractal sender, an enemy living machine sender or an enemy fractal living machine sender cannot send anything out of this sealed off house. 
An enemy sender, an enemy fractal sender, an enemy living machine sender or an enemy fractal living machine sender cannot send anything into this sealed off house.

The enemy’s implant technology will not function in this sealed off house. The enemy’s sleep ray technology will not function in this sealed off house. The enemy’s remote viewing capability will not function in this sealed off house. The enemy’s radionics technology will not function in this sealed off house. The enemy’s psychotronics technology will not function in this sealed off house. The enemy’s psionic technology will not function in this sealed off house. The enemy’s death signal technology will not function in this sealed off house. The enemy’s disease signal technology will not function in this sealed off house.
Change The Quantum Matrix inside yourself (Otherwise they take you when you leave the house )
Father in heaven, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I ask you to change the quantum matrix inside me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children) and within striking distance of me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children) across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all time lines, all universes, all frequency domains, across all bubbles in the omniverse, across all planes of  existence and across all the quantum matrix so that:

The enemy’s jump gate technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal jump gate technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s living machine jump gate technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal living machine jump gate technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s time travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal time travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s living machine time travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal living machine time travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).

The enemy’s transporter technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal transporter technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s living machine transporter technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal living machine transporter technology will not functionon me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).

The enemy’s teleportation technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal teleportation technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s living machine teleportation technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse, children).
The enemy’s fractal living machine teleportation technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).

The enemy’s dimensional travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal dimensional travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s living machine dimensional travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal living machine dimensional travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).

The enemy’s wormhole travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal wormhole travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s living machine wormhole travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal living machine wormhole travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).

The enemy’s magical technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal magical technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s living machine magical technology will not functionon me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal living machine magical technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).

The enemy’s walk-thru-walls technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal walk-thru-walls technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s living machine walk-thru-walls technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal living machine walk-thru-walls technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).

The enemy’s resonance travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal resonance travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s living machine resonance travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s fractal living machine resonance travel technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).

An enemy sender, an enemy fractal sender, an enemy living machine sender or an enemy fractal living machine sender cannot send me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children) anywhere or anywhen..

An enemy sender, an enemy fractal sender, an enemy living machine sender or an enemy fractal living machine sender cannot send me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children) anywhere or anywhen..

The enemy’s implant technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s sleep ray technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s remote viewing capability will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s radionics technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s psychotronics technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s psionic technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s death signal technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
The enemy’s disease signal technology will not function on me, xxxxxxxx (name your spouse and children).
Important note: When praying to change the quantum matrix, all members of a family should be holding hands or be in physical contact with one another. The head of the household prays and the other members should pray in agreement.
Abductions can be by grey aliens, reptilians, hybrids, other alien species, U.S. military, intelligence groups (humans) or any mix of these.
If you are located near a base or installation, they may attempt to acquire you by visiting your home/apartment/hotel and taking you in person. This can be defeated by using a portable door lock (the kind used by travellers in hotels) on EVERY door in their home. For those who are taken in your sleep, these prayers will help close that access down as well.
These agencies have tools to defeat every type of commercially available lock as well as the various chains and swing latches that allow the door to be "cracked" open. Only the portable door locks are secure.
The enemy has at their disposal multiple technologies that will allow them to abduct an individual from their bedroom, examine/operate/indoctrinate them and return them to their bedroom without being detected. They can "keep" an individual for weeks and return them to a time a few minutes after they were taken. The names of those technologies that I am aware of are :
  • Jumpgate Technology
  • Fractal Jumpgate Technology
  • Time Travel Technology
  • Fractal Time Travel Technology
  • Transporter Technology
  • Fractal Transporter Technology
  • Teleportation Technology
  • Fractal Teleportation Technology
  • Dimensional Travel Technology
  • Fractal Dimensional Travel Technology
  • Wormhole Travel Technology
  • Fractal Wormhole Travel Technology
  • Magical Technology
  • Fractal Magical Technology
  • Walk-Thru-The-Walls Technology
  • Fractal Walk-Thru-The-Walls Technology
  • Resonance Travel Technology
  • Fractal Resonance Travel Technology
  • A sender sending anything out
  • A Fractal sender sending anything out
  • A sender sending anything in
  • A Fractal sender sending anything in
Note - a "sender" has the metaphysical ability of "projectional teleportation", IE sending people and equipment to other places and times.
Other technologies will be developed. They must be added to the list. God will help you to "know" what they are while praying. Change your attack strategy accordingly and please notify us with what you find out. Please join our yahoo newsgroup The Mars Force and describe your experiences.
God will answer your prayers to prevent the above listed technologies from functioning in your home, apartment or hotel.
When you begin to engage in spiritual warfare against the enemy, they will pull out all the stops in attacking you. They may use witchcraft, black magic, different types of psychic and remote viewing attack and radionics, psychotronics and psionics attacks against you. Sometimes you won’t even know the name of what they are doing.
Spiritual warfare is the act of engaging in battle against the enemy: breaking curses, spells and psychic prayers, binding the demons and entities that are attacking, loosing the angels of God into battle, praying for angelic protection, among others. Deliverance is the casting out of demons from a person or object. ALL of these ways of warfare require power and authority from God Himself.
The ONLY known way to obtain the required power and authority to defeat the enemy and to stop the abductions of you and your family is to accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour. When you take that first step of faith, you immediately leave the jurisdiction of "Satan, the god of this world" and enter into the kingdom of God Almighty. You are drafted into the army of God and are given power and authority over the enemy. From that moment forward you are expected to fight the enemy and to fulfil God’s plan in your life while on earth. You are assured of eternal life when your days are done.
You absolutely will not defeat this enemy by using your own metaphysical abilities, prayer to anything outside of God Almighty and His son Jesus Christ, machines or devices you make or by any help from any ET, "Spacebrother", Alien, Witch, Psychic, Occultist or anyone or anything else. I know from personal experience. I was not abducted into their "service". I volunteered. I was a highly efficient killing machine for these beings. I have a high "horsepower" rating as well as several rare skill sets. My mission profiles were extensive and successful and beyond anything described by the so called remote viewers on the best seller list. And while reading The Mars Records you will see how easily these beings controlled me. They turned me on and off as easily as you would a toaster. I had absolutely ZERO chance of escape. ONLY by the grace of God Himself and the power of The Lord Jesus Christ did I escape to the degree I presently have.
YOU can do the exact same things as I have if you have a personal relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ and if you have faith and follow the warfare prayers in this document. Prayer does NOT rely on metaphysical abilities or training. I myself do NOTHING. God performs the miracles. This is the "secret" of psychic ability. GOD must always do the work. Otherwise the dark forces step in and it becomes a trap.
The following warfare prayers work. Regardless of what your church corporation or untrained pastor may think, spiritual warfare works, is infinitely powerful and the only thing known that will defeat the enemy. While pastors argue over whether a Christian can have a demon or whether or not to lay hands on a member while they are dying, the military alien complex continues to abduct, operate on and indoctrinate many thousands of people worldwide, while the churches stay silent.
Spiritual Warfare is a daily endeavour. God will show you what to pray for during prayer, while reading what has happened to others or while being told things about other people’s experiences. If you pray against something that is not there or that doesn’t apply to you, nothing happens. It is better to pray than not to pray.
If you are serious about spiritual warfare and fighting the enemy and are willing to put yourself on the line for others, I would suggest you contact Hegewisch Baptist Church in Highland, IN ( for their book and tape catalog. The book series "Battling The Host Of Hell" is an 8 volume set of intensive training in spiritual warfare. In addition you will require many of the taped sermons by Win Worley. The first tape should be "Group Deliverance". Other valuable subjects are Soul FragmentationBreaking CursesBinding and Loosing, Soul Ties, among othersThe videos will convince even the most unbelieving person concerning the reality of the demonic world. Hegewisch Baptist Church is a small, independent church not affiliated with any organization of any kind. You can visit Hegewisch for to receive help at any time.

  • Another souce of extremely high level spiritual warfare information is available from Bill Schnoebelen is an ex- 90th degree freemason, catolic priest, satanic priest, wicca witch, mormon elder, illuminati member and orthodox vampire. His life story will astonish you and give you first hand information concerning the dark powers of this world and their defeat by The Lord Jesus Christ. There is nothing else like it.

    The following prayers are so very powerful that one night the enemy wanted to take a look for themselves at what was happening! Stephanie Relfe relates the following story -
Early in 2005, it was night time and Michael and I were lying in bed. The lights were off and Michael was doing his usual changing of the Quantum Matrix to prevent us getting abducted. This has ensured that we haven't been abducted for over 2.5 years now, which is great!!!
For some reason I happened to open my eyes and look over to my left, which is where the shut bathroom door is. Imagine my surprise when I saw a light over the door!
It was about the size of a large cantaloupe (rockmelon). Kind of round. Kind of greenish/white. It wasn't clear. The shapes were amorphous, with patches of dark color.
Also there was a line of light on the floor under the light, same greenish color, as though there was light coming from under the bathroom foor.
The only light that is normally ever in the bedroom is a slight greenish color on the smoke detector near the bedroom door, in front of me and to the left. And a slight light from under the door in the same area, coming from the night light we have outside in the living room. These areas are a at least twenty feet away from the strange light that appeared.
When I saw the strange light over the bathroom door I couldn't think of what it was. I just kept looking and looking at it trying to make ot what it was.
For some reason, I thought I couldnt't disturb Michael until he was finished. I closed my eyes, and then looked back - the two lights were still there. I did this several times.I was totally awake.
I hadn't gone to sleep.
And then the next time I looked back - THEY WERE GONE!!!! The whole area was again in total darkness as it always is.
I finally told Michael. We got that somehow, someone put something into the room, to watch what Michael does when he changes the Quantum Matrix.
While compiling the update for this article I came under attack and became so heated that it was necessary to actually remove my shirt and pants to keep from "cooking". When they "beam" at you it is quite unplesant. The attack came from the following beings with bodies -
14 Grey Aliens
5 Reptilians
5 Unknown Aliens
9 Draconians
Some spiritual beings that may attack you (beings without bodies):
  • Powers
  • Principalities
  • Kingdoms
  • Thrones
  • Dominions
  • World Rulers
  • Fallen Angels
  • Celestial Beings
  • Old Ones
  • Little "g" gods (eg Roman gods, Greek gods)
  • Demigods
  • Unknowns
  • Emissaries of Lucifer
  • Lucifer (Probably not the real thing. More likely beings working directly for lucifer calling themselves after his name, the way that servants in England called themselves after their master on occasion - see the movie "Gosford Park")
  • Others not mentioned
Some physical beings that may attack you - (beings with bodies)
  • Grey Aliens
  • Reptilians (Reptilians are not aliens because they are native to earth)
  • Draconians (These look like tall, skinny Reptilians, possibly with wings. They are a different species to Reptilians and seem to usually be superior to the Reptilians. Some are on the planet Draco).
  • Insectoid Aliens
  • Darx Aliens (This is a new species we discovered)
  • Other off planet predatory species (aliens - human and non-human)
  • Military and INTEL members
  • Religious Cult groups
  • Occult Groups (witches, satanists, ceremonial magicians)
  • Others not mentioned 
Spiritual Warfare is a daily endeavour. God will show you what to pray for during prayer, while reading what has happened to others or while being told things about other people’s experiences. If you pray against something that is not there or that doesn’t apply to you, nothing happens. It is better to pray than not to pray.
Warfare Prayers
Protect yourself - Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you in Jesus’ name to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of millions of legions of angels to surround me and encamp around me and setup angelic shields, protective devices, impenetrable force fields and angels to protect me against every attack of the enemy, in Jesus name I pray, amen. Please put upon me the full armour of God. Please put upon me spiritual camouflage to make me invisible to the enemy. Please put upon me the armour light, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Protect your spouse - Repeat above for your spouse.
Protect your children - Repeat above for each of your children
Break curses on yourself - In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, sever, smash,  dissolve and destroy every curse, spell, psychic prayer and attack put upon me by any person, place, thing, witch, occult source, psychic source, machine, reptilian, draconian, grey, insect or any other entity, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.(do this 3 or more times)
Break curses on your spouse. 
Repeat above for your spouse. 
Break curses on your children. 
Repeat above for each of your children
Break energy drains on yourself - Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, dissolve, destroy and smash every energy drain attached to me by any source, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. In Jesus’ name I command everything that came into me from the energy drain to leave now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break and destroy every soul tie, hook, link, connection, attachment, tube, tunnel, tentacle, talon and attachment between myself and whatever or whoever put the energy drain into me, in both directions. In Jesus’ name I command everything that came into me from those soul ties, hooks, links, connections and attachments to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Thank You Lord for setting me free. (Note - they sometimes use multiple energy drains to the physical body or any of the energy bodies)
Break energy drains on your spouse. Repeat above for your spouse 
Break energy drains on your children. 
Repeat above for each of your children
Break attacks on yourself - Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, smash, dissolve, disintegrate, destroy and implode every satanic attack, druid witch attack, wicca witch attack, kabalah witch attack, wizard attack, shaman attack, witchdoctor attack, witchcraft attack, vampire attack, werewolf attack, santaria attack, voodoo attack, magical attack, sorcery attack, luciferian attack, demonic attack, satanic attack, psychic attack, telepathic attack, mental attack, remote viewing attack, mind control attack, radionics attack, psychotronic attack, psionic attack, death signal attack, disease signal attack, scalar wave attack, tesla wave attack, laser wave attack, ELF attack, RF attack, microwave attack, magnetic attack, acoustic attack, infrared attack and every kind of attack that I don’t know the name of from :Every person, place, thing, witch, occult source, psychic source, machine, satanist, druid witch, wicca witch, kabalah witch, wizard, shaman, witchdoctor, vampire, werewolf, santaria practitioner, voodoo practitioner, remote viewing operator, radionics operator, psychotronics operator, psionic operator, pine gap group, MIB group, government group, witches, satanist or masonic group, new world order group, shadow government group, illuminati group, MJ12 group, faction 1 group, faction 2 group, faction 3 group, faction 4 group, NSA group, NRO group, CIA group, FBI group, NIMA Group, DOJ Group, DON group, ACIO group, ASIO group, PSICORPS Group, MJTF Group, military group, intelligence group, Army group, Navy group, Air Force group, Marine Corps group, NIS group, DIA group, OSI group, ONI group, OSS Group, UFOS group, MI5 group, MI6 group, Mars Defence Force group, Mars Intelligence Force group, Mars Project group, reptilian group, draconian group, grey group, insect group and every group I don’t know the name of, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I bind everything that came into me from those attacks. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was opened to you, I take away every legal hold and legal ground that you have on me and I cut you loose from all your assignments, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. In Jesus’ name I command everything that came into me from those attacks to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to send these things back to whoever sent them to me, to bring them to repentance. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen. 

Break attacks on your spouse. 
Repeat above for your spouse 
Break attacks on your children. 
Repeat above for each of your children
Thank the LORD for miracles and what HE is doing - Father, In Jesus’ name I praise you and Thank You for these blessings and for setting me free from these attacks, In Jesus’ name I pray, amen
Remember that most attacks are multiple attacks. When attacked by spiritual beings -

1.) Neutralise the attacker - Bind the attacker yourself

2.) Eliminate the attack - Ask God to send millions of angels to bind the attackers inside of boxes, inside of boxes 900 trillion levels deep with angels singing scripture to them night and day.

3.) Eliminate the attacker - Ask GOD to seal those boxes and send them far, far, far away so that they can never find their way back and to keep them there until the day of judgement.

4.) Destroy the results of the attack - (In The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ I break, crush, smash, disintegrate, obliterate, anihilate, nuke, destroy, dissolve and implode all curses, spells, psychic prayers, attacks, magic, witchcraft, rituals, ceremonies, invocations, evocations, contracts, agreemenst and plans, soul ties, hooks, links, connections, attachments, tubes, tunnels, tentacles, talons, energy hooks, energy links, energy connections, energy drains, energy pumps, technologicals hooks and links of every kind put upon me, In Jesus Name.

In The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ I break, crush, smash, disintegrate, obliterate, anihilate, nuke, destroy, dissolve and implode all soul ties, hooks, links, connections, attachments, tubes, tunnels, tentacles, talons, energy hooks, energy links, energy connections, energy drains, energy pumps, technologicals hooks and links of every kind :

Between me and the void and between the void and me.
Between me and any dimension and between any dimension and me.
Between me and any other universe and between any other universe and me.
Between me and any other space time continuum and between any other space time continuum and me.
Between me and any other time line and between any other time line and me.
Between me and any dead, dying or diseased thing and between any dead, dying or diseased thing and me.
Between me and any spiritual place and between any spiritual place and me.
Between me and any physical place and between any physical place and me.
Between me and any spiritual being and between any spiritual being and me.
Between me and any physical being and between any physical being and me.
Between me and anything not of GOD and between anything not of GOD and me.

5.) Eliminate the authority for the attack - (In The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ I break, crush, smash, disintegrate, obliterate, anihilate, nuke, destroy, dissolve and implode all curses, spells, psychic prayers, attacks, magic, witchcraft, rituals, ceremonies, invocations, evocations, contracts, agreemenst and plans put upon me by any person, place, thing, human, witch, satanist, occult souce, psychic souce, reptilian, draconian, grey alien, insect or any other entity, machine or technology, scientologist, overlord of the scientologists, anyone involved with or monitoring the scientologists, any magician, any ceremonial magician or any being practising magaic against me, in Jesus name)
6.) Eliminate the basis for the attack - (In The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ I break, crush, smash, disintegrate, obliterate, anihilate, nuke, destroy, dissolve and implode all material basis for all these curses, spells, psychic prayers, attacks, magic, witchcraft, rituals, ceremonies, invocations, evocations, contracts, agreemenst and plans in Jesus name. I bind everything that came into from that material basis and I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door open to you and I take away every legal ground and everylegal hold you have one me, in Jesus name, Amen.

Note - Sometimes the enemy will "stack" these against you. A being causing an attack, that was given authority by a spell that was cast by another being that was given authority by a spell that was cast by another being, etc, etc
We have had attacks of this sort go back 6 or 8 levels or more. Just disassemble them piece by piece, starting with the outtermost attacker, and work you way inward. See
Material Basis - a construct ( physical or energetic), that serves as a link or connection between the physical world and another space time continuum, time line, dimension, universe, bubble in the omniverse, plane of being, frequency domain, spiritual place or entity for the purpose of energizing or providing power for a curse, spell, psychic prayer, attack, radionic transmission, witchcraft working, magical working, ritual, ceremony, invocation, evocation, contract, agreement, plan or any other pattern, construct or thought form.
When attacked by physical beings -

1.) Physical beings operating in the metaphysical world are subject to its laws. Treat it like any other attack. But first-

2.) Eliminate the attacker - Father, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I come to you and in Jesus name I bind XXXXXXXXXX in the reality and in all the realities they are operating in and I sever their silver cord, in Jesus name. Do this to aliens, reptilians, military remote viewers, etc
3.) Prevent them from returning - In the name of The Lord Jesus Chris I bind all evil spirits that give them their power, authority, ability and weapons and I cut you loose from your assignments, I close every door that was open to you, I take away every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on XXXXXXXXX, I break crush dissolve and destroy every inner hook mechanism that you use to hook yourself into XXXXXXXXXX and I command you to leave them now in Jesus name. 
Ask God for a shield against the enemy. Father in heaven, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to put around me an impenetrable, impregnable multi-layer, multi-phase, multispectral, multi-frequency domain, multi-dimensional, multi-continuum, multi-timeline shield around my physical body, etheric body, astral body and all my other energy bodies and all components that I consist of, across all space time continuums, time lines, dimensions, universes, across all "bubbles" in the omniverse and across all planes of existence, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Note: The following refers to the body’s energy centers known as chakras. It doesn’t matter if you believe they exist or not. God created them just like he created your arm or leg. The enemy attacks them and since most don’t believe they exist, the attack goes unchallenged and the damage will accumulate. Always divide the technology from the superstition. And never go looking for things or exploring outside of God’s protection. Just understand they exist and protect them from the enemy. And learn the difference between physical, metaphysical and spiritual.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to my BASEchakra in my physical body, etheric body, astral body and all my energy bodies in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to my SEXchakra in my physical body, etheric body, astral body and all my energy bodies in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to my SPLEENchakra in my physical body, etheric body, astral body and all my energy bodies in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to my HEARTchakra in my physical body, etheric body, astral body and all my energy bodies in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to my THROATchakrain my physical body, etheric body, astral body and all my energy bodies in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to my THIRD EYE chakra in my physical body, etheric body, astral body and all my energy bodies in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to my CROWNchakra in my physical body, etheric body, astral body and all my energy bodies in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.BLOCKED CHAKRAS
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind all Blocks attached to my BASE chakra. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Blocks attached to my base chakra and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strong man inside of boxes, inside of boxes, to a billion levels deep, with angels reading scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all demons controlling these Blocks and I command you to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these demons and send them where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every interconnect support device between these Blocks. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every hook device that allows attachment to my chakra, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all Blocks to my authority in the third heaven and I command you to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these Blocks and send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. Father in heaven, please send angels to repair all the damage done to me by these blocks and to change me so that they won’t be able to hook into me again, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind all Blocks attached to my SEX chakra. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Blocks attached to my base chakra and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strong man inside of boxes, inside of boxes, to a billion levels deep, with angels reading scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all demons controlling these Blocks and I command you to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these demons and send them where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every interconnect support device between these Blocks. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every hook device that allows attachment to my chakra, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all Blocks to my authority in the third heaven and I command you to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these Blocks and send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. Father in heaven, please send angels to repair all the damage done to me by these blocks and to change me so that they won’t be able to hook into me again, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind all Blocks attached to my SPLEEN chakra. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Blocks attached to my base chakra and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name.In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strong man inside of boxes, inside of boxes, to a billion levels deep, with angels reading scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all demons controlling these Blocks and I command you to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these demons and send them where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every interconnect support device between these Blocks. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every hook device that allows attachment to my chakra, in Jesus name. In Jesus’ name I bind all Blocks to my authority in the third heaven and I command you to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these Blocks and send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. Father in heaven, please send angels to repair all the damage done to me by these blocks and to change me so that they won’t be able to hook into me again, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind all Blocks attached to my HEART chakra. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Blocks attached to my base chakra and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strong man inside of boxes, inside of boxes, to a billion levels deep, with angels reading scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all demons controlling these Blocks and I command you to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these demons and send them where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every interconnect support device between these Blocks. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every hook device that allows attachment to my chakra, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all Blocks to my authority in the third heaven and I command you to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these Blocks and send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. Father in heaven, please send angels to repair all the damage done to me by these blocks and to change me so that they won’t be able to hook into me again, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. 
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind all Blocks attached to my THROAT chakra. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Blocks attached to my base chakra and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strong man inside of boxes, inside of boxes, to a billion levels deep, with angels reading scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all demons controlling these Blocks and I command you to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these demons and send them where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every interconnect support device between these Blocks. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every hook device that allows attachment to my chakra, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all Blocks to my authority in the third heaven and I command you to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these Blocks and send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. Father in heaven, please send angels to repair all the damage done to me by these blocks and to change me so that they won’t be able to hook into me again, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind all Blocks attached to my THIRD EYE chakra. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Blocks attached to my base chakra and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strong man inside of boxes, inside of boxes, to a billion levels deep, with angels reading scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all demons controlling these Blocks and I command you to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these demons and send them where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every interconnect support device between these Blocks. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every hook device that allows attachment to my chakra, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all Blocks to my authority in the third heaven and I command you to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these Blocks and send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. Father in heaven, please send angels to repair all the damage done to me by these blocks and to change me so that they won’t be able to hook into me again, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind all Blocks attached to my CROWN chakra. In Jesus’ name I bind the strongman over the Blocks attached to my base chakra and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strong man inside of boxes, inside of boxes, to a billion levels deep, with angels reading scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all demons controlling these Blocks and I command you to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these demons and send them where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every interconnect support device between these Blocks. In Jesus’ name I break, deactivate, cut, sever and destroy every hook device that allows attachment to my chakra, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind all Blocks to my authority in the third heaven and I command you to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, please send angels to bind these Blocks and send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus’ name. Father in heaven, please send angels to repair all the damage done to me by these blocks and to change me so that they won’t be able to hook into me again, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. 

Cancel Satan’s plan in your life

Satan has a plan for everyone’s life, just as GOD has a plan for everyone’s life. That plan has someone in charge of it and a lot of subordinate spirits directing it. It is a very good idea to get rid of Satan’s plan and substitute GOD’s plan.
 In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I bind the strongman over Satan’s plan for my life and I toss him off his throne in Jesus name. Father I ask you to send angels to bind this strongman inside of boxes, inside of more boxes to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels singing scripture to him night and day, in Jesus name. Father I ask you to send angels to guard that box so the demons cannot free him, in Jesus name. In Jesus name I bind all demons subordinate to the strongman over Satan’s plan for my lifeIn Jesus name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus name. I command all demons subordinate to the strongman over Satan’s plan for my life to leave now, in Jesus name. In Jesus name I bind all other spirits and entities under the command of the strongman over Satan’s plan for my lifeIn Jesus name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus name. In Jesus name I loose you from all commands, controls, attachments, mind control, programming, agreements, oaths and bonds to the strongman over Satan’s plan for my life or any of his subordinates. I command all demons to go where Jesus wants you to go and I command all other entities to go home and never return, in Jesus name I pray, amen.

Akashic Records
While praying one night I was led to believe that the forces of darkness use the Akashic records database against people and that it would in fact be a good idea to remove oneself from it. It is quite possible that Lucifer himself is the owner of such a database. I believe the following prayer accomplished that objective.Father, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I break, crush, destroy and sever every soul tie, hook, link, connection, attachment and device from myself to the Akashic records and from the Akashic records back to myself, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to remove, delete, purge and destroy all my records, images, thoughts, words and actions stored in this system as well as all duplicate copies, backup copies, emergency copies and extra copies stored anywhere in creation, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to totally remove me from every system, database, storage device, archive and library owned or operated by the forces of darkness and to prevent my information from being put back into those systems, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. 13

Akashic Records: A theosophical term referring to an universal filing system which records every occurring thought, word, and action. The records are impressed on a subtle substance called akasha (or Soniferous Ether). In Hindu mysticism this akasha is thought to be the primary principle of nature from which the other four natural principles, fire, air, earth, and water, are created. These five principles also represent the five senses of the human being. Some indicate the akashic records are similar to a Cosmic or collective consciousness. The records have been referred to by different names including the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, or the collective subconscious. Others think the akashic records make clairvoyance and psychic perception possible. From an metaphysical database website
Defeating Electronic Witchcraft (Radionics) 
Ask God to have the angels destroy the hardware, software, systems, networks andenergy supplies of the attacking installation. Spells can be and are transmitted by radionics. 

Ask for help
 - Heavenly Father, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I come to you and I praise you and Thank You for the blessings you have given to Stephanie and I. Thank You for keeping us safe and sound against the attacks of the enemy. In Jesus’ name I ask you to please free Stephanie from these attacks and keep her safe from the enemy. In Jesus’ name, please remove all these things attacking Stephanie and send them back to whoever sent them, in Jesus’ name I Pray, Amen.

Ask for tactical information
 - Father, In The name Of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to please give me discernment to discover where these attacks are coming from and to give me wisdom, knowledge, understanding and determination to defeat the enemy making these attacks, in Jesus name I pray, amen.

Break curses - In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I break every curse, every spell, every psychic prayer and attack put upon Stephanie by any person, place, thing, witch, occult source, psychic source, Reptilian, Draconian, Grey, Insect or any other entity, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into Stephanie from those curses, spells, psychic prayers and attacks. In Jesus’ name I cut you spirits loose from all your assignments, I take away every legal ground and legal hold you have on Stephanie and I close every door that was opened to you, in Jesus’ name.In Jesus’ name, I order every thing that came into Stephanie to leave her now. Father, please send these things back to who or whatever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Change your frequencies - 
In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, Father I ask you to change all of Stephanie’s frequencies so that the radionics machines won’t be able to lock on to her and so that the enemy won’t be able to find her, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Remove energy drains
 - In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I break every energy drain put upon Stephanie and I command everything that came into Stephanie from that energy drain to leave her now, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Deactivate the radionics machine - In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bind the strongman over the radionics machine attacking Stephanie and I throw him off his throne, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strongman over the radionics machine attacking Stephanie. I ask you to bind him inside of boxes, inside of boxes, a billion levels deep, with angels singing scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all subordinate demons that are directing and controlling the radionics machine attacking Stephanie. I cut you loose from all you assignments, I remove every legal hold and legal ground you have on Stephanie and I close every door that was opened to you, in Jesus’ name. I command you to leave the machine now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I command the radionics machine to be dead, deactivated and destroyed permanently, in Jesus’ name.

Deactivate the spell
 - In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bind the strongman over the spell put upon the object inside the witness well of the radionics machine attacking Stephanie and I throw him off his throne, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name Father I ask you to send angels to bind the strongman over the spell put upon the object inside the witness well of the radionics machine attacking Stephanie. I ask you to bind him inside of boxes, inside of boxes, a billion levels deep, with angels singing scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I bind all subordinate demons that are directing and controlling the spell put upon the object inside the witness well of the radionics machine attacking Stephanie. I cut you loose from all you assignments, I remove every legal hold and legal ground you have on Stephanie and I close every door that was opened to you, in Jesus’ name. I command you to leave the object now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I command the witness well object to be dead, deactivated and destroyed permanently, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Sever all soul ties - 
In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I break, cut, sever, dissolve and destroy every soul tie, hook, link and connection attached to Stephanie from any external source, in Jesus’ name. I command everything that came into Stephanie from those soul ties, hooks, links and connections to leave her NOW in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to send all these things back to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance. in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Praise God for His help
 - Heavenly Father, In the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ I come to you and I praise you and Thank You for the blessings you have given to me. Thank You for keeping me safe and sound against the attacks of the enemy. In Jesus’ name I ask you to please free me from these attacks and keep me safe from the enemy. In Jesus’ name, please remove all these things attacking me and send them back to whoever sent them, In Jesus’ Name I Pray, Amen.

Ask God for tactical information - 
Father, In The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to please give me discernment to discover where these attacks are coming from and to give me wisdom, knowledge, understanding and determination to defeat the enemy making these attacks, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Break general or ordinary attacks on your self (do this a few times)
 - In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I break every curse, every spell, every psychic prayer and attack put upon me by any person, place, thing, witch, occult source, psychic source, Reptilian, Draconian, Grey, Insect or any other entity, In Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those curses, spells, psychic prayers and attacks. In Jesus name I cut all such spirits loose from all your assignments, I take away every legal ground and legal hold you have on me and I close every door that was opened to you, In Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name, I order every thing that came into me to leave me now. Father, please send these things back to who or whatever sent them, to bring them to repentance, In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Remove any extra soul ties or enemy surprises - In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I break, cut, sever, dissolve and destroy every soul tie, hook, link, connection, attachment and device of an ungodly type attached to me from any external source, in Jesus’ name. I command everything that came into me from those soul ties, hooks, links, connections, attachments and devices to leave me NOW in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to send all these things back to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen

Break and remove the energy drain
 - In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, dissolve, sever, smash and destroy every energy drain of every type put upon me and I command everything that came into me from those energy drains to leave me now, in Jesus’ name.

Remove all attachments to the energy drain - In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, dissolve, sever, smash and destroy every soul tie, hook, link, connection and attachment between myself and whoever or whatever put the energy drain in me and I command everything that came into me from those soul ties, hooks, links, connections or attachments to leave now, in Jesus’ name.

Repair the damage - Father, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to repair all the damage done to me by this attack. I ask you to reverse all the injury done to my physical body, etheric body, astral body and all my energy bodies, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Remove all relationships and associations to photographs (*** VERY IMPORTANT ***)
 - Father, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you break every soul tie, hook, link, connection, attachment and relationship between myself and every photograph, image, picture, electromagnetic scan, tissue sample, blood sample, dna scan, holographic scan or image that has ever been created of me, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Change your bio frequencies
 - In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, Father I ask you to change all of my frequencies so that the metaphysical science technology won’t be able to lock on to me, in Jesus’ name, Amen
Attack and destroy the source of the problem - 
In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, Father I ask you to send millions and millions of legions of angels to directly attack the place from which this attack originated. Father, please direct the angels to destroy the hardware, software, systems, files, backup files, networks, routers and energy supplies of the attacking installation, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Destroying a Coven 
- Disclaimer: The following information is made available to assist believers to resist the attacks of those individuals that have chosen the "left hand" path of the occult (black magic). You know who you are. This article is not an attack upon any group or individual that does not harm others. The response to this article by those that serve the dark side is predictable. I am not responsible for any consequences to anyone as the result of any attack directed against my family or myself. (The real book of shadows declares that you shall not cast upon a child of the living God. You should obey your own religion)
Attacks by Witchcraft from Multiple Targets
The following procedure has proven useful when being attacked by witchcraft from multiple targets (a coven, triad or other group). When dealing with occultists I have found two main ways to counter their attacks.

Hard way: Whatever was sent to me would be returned to them multiplied by a factor of 1000, 100,000 or a million. After much experience I would now only do this in an emergency if the attacks were very damaging. The problem with this type of countermeasure is that the resources of the enemy are large and that they can attack you in a "swarm" and escalate the battle beyond what you may be able to take. Another problem is that the enemy still exists and the attacks just get bigger. It would be better if the enemy was eliminated and so the source of the attack would vanish.

Soft Way: I believe that this is the more effective type of countermeasure. In this procedure we use spiritual warfare techniques to "disassemble" the attacking group and eliminate each component individually. This takes more prayer, discernment and time, however the end result is more effective and longer lasting. There are five main targets in this counter attack:
1. The strongman over the attack
2. Whoever ordered the attack
3. Whoever executed the attack
4. Any machines or devices involved in the attack
5. The curse, spell or psychic attack itself
When you are being attacked by those trapped in the occult, remember that they are not your enemy. These are human beings, with families, that  also have wants and needs and that love, just like you do. They are trapped and ensnared in things that they never knew existed and by the time they learned, it was too late. Many of these people were born into families where they have been abused and/or subjected to mind control since early childhood. Allpractitioners of the occult suffer from soul fragmentation. After participation in their first initiation, their soul is fragmented and they aren’t quite the same person as they were before that procedure. After each ritual less and less of the original soul remains and more and more of the enemy takes hold upon them. God wants these people to be freed, just like He is freeing you. 

Your enemies are the entities that influence and control these occultists, whether grey alien, reptilian, draconian, demon, power, principality, world ruler or any other demon or life form

Occultists are a dime a dozen. Satanist, Wicca witch, Druid witch, Freemason or any member of any secret society or secret church, it doesn’t matter. The demonic hierarchy is constantly recruiting new members and burning out and sacrificing old ones. Do not worry about their numbers. Just pray for whomever God puts in your path. 

Occultists never win 
- You should be encouraged to remember that those who practice the occult arts to kill, hurt, influence or control others can never be victorious. Occult power comes from the demonic world and is limited in strength. An individual practitioner derives power and influence from the number and rank of demonic spirits that have come into them by way of casting spells, performing rituals and direct conjuring of demons. During this learning period soul fragmentation gets worse and as time goes on very little of the original human being remains. This is true whether a person is born into an occult surrounding or whether they are trained by occult books and the demons contained within them. An individual human body can only be subject to a certain amount of this abuse before it begins to break down and various diseases appear. By the time the practitioner realizes what is happening, it is too late.

As time goes on they require more and more life force energy to keep the demons at bay. They are forced to steal this energy from other beings (animal and human) by the use of sex, ritual and sacrifice. High-level initiates frequently utilize the techniques related to tantra yoga to steal energy from children during ritual. Eventually the practitioner is unable to obtain enough energy and they are taken over completely or destroyed.The occultist has only two choices. They can attack you and they will be defeated and probably damaged in the fight. Or they can ignore you and search for easier prey.

Also remember that you are soldier and it is your job to do whatever God tells you, nothing else. It is not your job to save the world by yourself or to compare yourself with any other person. Stay on your path. Learn and study and God will put you to work.  In contrast to the occultist, the life of the believer in The Lord Jesus Christ has no such limitations or problems. Because of the shed blood of Jesus, the believer is spiritually at the same level as the creator of the universe Himself! No enemy of any kind can ever defeat the believer. Every enemy of Jesus Christ was defeated when Jesus was resurrected over 2000 years ago. These enemies of Jesus Christ are just living on borrowed time. It is clear to me that God gives his children complete victory over the enemy’s attacks even so far as changing the very structure of space-time itself so that the enemy’s devices will be brought to nothing. All we have to do is put the world behind us, stand forward, have faith in our Lord and determination in ourselves. Always remember that by praying for the enemy and helping turn them away from the dark side, you do massive damage to the kingdom of Satan. The results echo throughout the kingdom of darkness and do much to undermine Satan’s authority and power.

Soft Way -

Eliminate the strong man over the attack
 - In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I break the power of this attack over me. In Jesus’ name I bind the strong man over this attack and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. Father I ask you to send angels to bind this strong man inside of boxes, inside of more boxes to a billion levels deep, with angels singing scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. Father I ask you to send angels to guard that box so the demons cannot free him, in Jesus’ name.

Eliminate subordinates of the strong man over the attack - 
In Jesus’ name I bind all demons subordinate to the strong man over this attack upon me. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all demons subordinate to the strong man over this attack upon me to leave now, in Jesus’ name.

**The "strong man" is a demon that has delegated authority over a certain thing.No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house. Mark 3:27 KJV 

Eliminate slaves of the strong man over the attack
 - In Jesus’ name I bind all other spirits and entities under the command of the strong man over this attack upon me and in Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal bond that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I loose you from all commands, controls, attachments, mind control, programming, agreements, oaths and bonds to the strongman over this attack upon me or the subordinates of the strong man and I command all demons to go where Jesus’ wants you to go and I command all other entities to go home and never return, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate demonic infrastructure of the strong man over the attack - 
In Jesus’ name I break, crush, sever, dissolve, smash and destroy all the demonic infrastructure of this strong man. Father, I ask you to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of millions of legions of angels to attack and destroy this strong man’s computers, networks, programs, storage devices, data files, backup data files, communication lines and power sources and every other component of his infrastructure that I do not know about, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Break ties with originator of the attack - 
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break, dissolve, sever, crush & destroy every ungodly soul tie, hook, link, attachment and connection between myself and the originator of this attack and between the originator of this attack and myself in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind every thing that came into me from those connections. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was open to those things, I take away every legal bond and every legal hold they have on me and I cut them loose from all their assignments, in Jesus’ name. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I order every thing that came into me to leave now. Father, In Jesus’ name I ask you to send angels to bind up these things and return them to whoever sent them, to bring them to repentance, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate the strong man over the originator of the attack - 
In Jesus’ name I bind the strong man over the originator of this attack and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. Father I ask you to send angels to bind this strong man inside of boxes, inside of more boxes to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels singing scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. Father I ask you to send angels to guard that box so the demons cannot free him, in Jesus’ name.

Eliminate subordinates of the strong man over the originator of the attack- 
In Jesus’ name I bind all demons subordinate to the strong man over the originator of this attack upon me. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all demons subordinate to the strong man over the originator of this attack upon me to leave now, in Jesus’ name.

Eliminate slaves of the strong man over the originator of the attack- 
In Jesus’ name I bind all spirits, entities, slaves and prisoners under the command of the strong man over the originator of this attack upon me and in Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I loose you from all commands, controls, attachments, mind control, programming, agreements, oaths and bonds to the strong man over the originator of this attack upon me or the subordinates of the strong man and I command all demons to go where Jesus’ wants you to go and I command all other entities to go home and never return, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate demonic infrastructure of the strong man over the originator of the attack - 
In Jesus’ name I break, crush, sever, dissolve, smash and destroy all the demonic infrastructure of this strong man. Father, I ask you to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of millions of legions of angels to attack and destroy this strong man’s computers, networks, programs, storage devices, data files, backup data files, communication lines and power sources and every other component of his infrastructure that I do not know about, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate originator of the attack- Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, sever, smash, dissolve and destroy every curse, spell, psychic prayer and attack put upon me by the originator of this attack in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. In Jesus’ name I break every soul tie, hook, link, attachment, connection and device between myself and the originator of this attack and between the originator of this attack and myself, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind everything that came into me from these soul ties, hooks, links and connections and I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close all doors open to you and I take away every legal hold and legal ground you have to attack me, in Jesus’ name. In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I break every curse, spell and psychic prayer that made the originator of this attack the way they are. In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send as many legions of angels as necessary to bind all demons in the originator of this attack, that give them their power, rank, prestige, wealth, metaphysical abilities and position and I ask you to remove those demons and send them far away, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, crush and destroy all bonds of mind control and coercion this entity is under and I cancel and void all oaths, contracts and agreements this entity is under, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to free the mind of originator of this attack and allow them choose their destiny without influence of any kind, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate subordinates of the originator of the attack - 
In Jesus’ name I bind all demons and entities subordinate to the originator of this attack upon me. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all subordinates to the originator of this attack upon me to leave now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, crush and destroy all bonds of mind control and coercion these subordinates are under and I cancel and void all oaths, contracts and agreements that control them, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to free the mind of these subordinates and allow them choose their destiny without influence of any kind, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate slaves of the originator of the attack- 
In Jesus’ name I bind all slaves, prisoners and remaining entities of the originator of this attack upon me. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all slaves and prisoners of the originator of this attack upon me to leave now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, crush and destroy all bonds of mind control and coercion these slaves and prisoners are under and I cancel and void all oaths, contracts and agreements that control them, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to free the mind of these slaves and prisoners and allow them choose their destiny without influence of any kind, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate infrastructure of the originator of the attack- Father, I ask you to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of millions of legions of angels to attack and destroy the computers, networks, programs, storage devices, data files, backup data files, communication lines and power sources and every other component of the infrastructure of the originator of this attack, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate the strong man over the attacker(s)
 - In Jesus’ name I bind the strong man over the attacker executing this attack and I toss him off his throne in Jesus’ name. Father I ask you to send angels to bind this strongman inside of boxes, inside of more boxes to 1,000,000 levels deep, with angels singing scripture to him night and day, in Jesus’ name. Father I ask you to send angels to guard that box so the demons cannot free him, in Jesus’ name.

Eliminate subordinates of the strong man over the attacker(s) - 
In Jesus’ name I bind all demons subordinate to the strong man over the attacker executing this attack upon me. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all demons subordinate to the strong man over the attacker to leave now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I loose you from all commands, controls, attachments, mind control, programming, agreements, oaths and bonds to the strong man over the attacker and I command all demons to go where Jesus’ wants you to go and I command all other entities to go home and never return, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate slaves of the strong man over the attacker(s) - 
In Jesus’ name I bind all other spirits, entities, slaves and prisoners under the command of the strong man over the attacker executing this attack upon me and in Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I loose you from all commands, controls, attachments, mind control, programming, agreements, oaths and bonds to the strong man over the attacker executing this attack upon me or the subordinates of the strong man and I command all demons to go where Jesus’ wants you to go and I command all other entities to go home and never return, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate demonic infrastructure of the strong man over the attacker(s)
 - In Jesus’ name I break, crush, sever, dissolve, smash and destroy all the demonic infrastructure of this strong man. Father, I ask you to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of millions of legions of angels to attack and destroy this strongman’s computers, networks, programs, storage devices, data files, backup data files, communication lines and power sources and every other component of his infrastructure that I do not know about, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.  

Eliminate the attacker (each member of the attacking group)
Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, sever, smash, dissolve and destroy every curse, spell, psychic prayer and attack put upon me by these attacking forces in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.In Jesus’ name I break every soul tie, hook, link, attachment, connection and device between myself and the attacker and between the attacker and myself, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I bind everything that came into me from these soul ties, hooks, links and connections and I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close all doors open to you and I take away every legal hold and legal ground you have to attack me, in Jesus’ name. In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I break every curse, spell and psychic prayer that made the attacker the way they are. In Jesus’ name, Father I ask you to send as many legions of angels as necessary to bind all demons in the this attacker, that give them their power, rank, prestige, wealth, metaphysical abilities and position and I ask you to remove those demons and send them far away, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, crush and destroy all bonds of mind control and coercion this entity is under and I cancel and void all oaths, contracts and agreements this entity is under, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to free the mind of this attacker and allow them choose their destiny without influence of any kind, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate subordinates of the attacker(s)
In Jesus’ name I bind all demons subordinate to the attacker executing this attack upon me. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments,  I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all demons subordinate to this attacker to leave now, in Jesus’ name.

Free the slaves of the attacker(s)
 - In Jesus’ name I bind all slaves, prisoners and remaining entities of the attacker executing this attack upon me. In Jesus’ name I cut you loose from all your assignments, I close every door that was opened to you and I cancel every legal hold and every legal ground that you have on me, in Jesus’ name. I command all slaves and prisoners of the attacker executing this attack upon me to leave now, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name I break, crush and destroy all bonds of mind control and coercion these slaves and prisoners are under and I cancel and void all oaths, contracts and agreements that control them, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to free the mind of these slaves and prisoners and allow them choose their destiny without influence of any kind, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen

Eliminate infrastructure of the attacker(s)- Father, I ask you to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of billions of legions of angels to attack and destroy the computers, networks, programs, storage devices, data files, backup data files, communication lines and power sources and every other component of the infrastructure of the attackers executing this attack upon me, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Eliminate the curse, spell or psychic attack itself
 - Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, sever, smash, dissolve and destroy every curse, spell, psychic prayer and attack put upon me by any person, place, thing, witch, occult source, psychic source, machine, reptilian, draconian, grey, insect or any other entity, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break, crush, sever, smash, dissolve and destroy every satanic attack, druid witch attack, wicca witch attack, kabalah witch attack, wizard attack, shaman attack, witchdoctor attack, witchcraft attack, vampire attack, werewolf attack, santaria attack, voodoo attack, magical attack, sorcery attack, luciferian attack, demonic attack, satanic attack, psychic attack, telepathic attack, mental attack, remote viewing attack, mind control attack, radionics attack, psychotronic attack, psionic attack, death signal attack, disease signal attack, scalar wave attack, tesla wave attack, laser wave attack, ELF attack, RF attack, microwave attack, magnetic attack, acoustic attack, infrared attack and every kind of attack that I don’t know the name of from :Every person, place, thing, witch, occult source, psychic source, machine, satanist, druid witch, wicca witch, kabalah witch, wizard, shaman, witchdoctor, vampire, werewolf, santaria practitioner, voodoo practitioner, remote viewing operator, radionics operator, psychotronics operator, psionic operator, pine gap group, MIB group, government group, witches, satanist or masonic group, new world order group, shadow government group, illuminati group, MJ12 group, faction 1 group, faction 2 group, faction 3 group, faction 4 group, NSA group, NRO group, CIA group, FBI group, NIMA Group, DOJ Group, DON group, ACIO group, ASIO group, PSICORPS Group, MJTF Group, military group, intelligence group, Army group, Navy group, Air Force group, Marine Corps group, NIS group, DIA group, OSI group, ONI group, OSS Group, UFOS group, MI5 group, MI6 group, Mars Defence Force group, Mars Intelligence Force group, Mars Project group, reptilian group, draconian group, grey group, insect group and every group I don’t know the name of, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen. In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I bind everything that came into me from those attacks. In Jesus’ name I close every door that was opened to you, I take away every legal hold and legal ground that you have on me and I cut you loose from all your assignments, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
In Jesus’ name I command everything that came into me from those attacks to leave me now, in Jesus’ name. Father, I ask you to send these things back to whoever sent them to me, to bring them to repentance. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.