Saturday, March 31, 2018

Answers to Why Do Humanists Reject The Bible?

Is it because there are contradictions in the Bible?

"The Bible is an unreliable authority because it contains numerous contradictions. Logically, if two statements are contradictory, at least one of them is false. The biblical contradictions therefore prove that the book has many false statements and is not infallible." - from the American Humanists web site
Answering Humanist AccusationsThis section of our web site answers over 180 accusations against the Bible. These web pages are essentially the first draft of what has become a book... Did God Really Say?. Available on Amazon.
There is no good reason to reject the Bible. Every objection, contradiction and question has been answered hundreds of times... and in many cases they were answered well over a 1000 years ago. But humanists refuse to even consider that their questions have been answered, and continually bring up the same old "contradictions" over and over.
The issue is not one of demonstrating the Bible is reliable. That's been done many times. The issue is a heart issue.
Those who reject the Bible are not doing so for any rational reason. They simply do so because they don't want it to be true. They don't want to be accountable to God. The humanist web page we're looking at isn't there to convince others the Bible isn't reliable, but to give comfort to atheists who don't want anyone to disturb their delusion. As scripture says, they are willingly blind, so they don't even question the flimsy asccusations and unsubstantiated claims on the web page we are examining.
The Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.- John 3:19

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Friday, March 23, 2018

Steve Hughes - The Liberal Mentality - ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!!

Steve Hughes is an Australian comedian that has his finger on the pulse when it comes to Liberals/SJW's and their shit! In this rant, Steve breaks down what is happening in the West and the constant attack on our way of life.
Taken from an interview with Tom Rhodes, this is an edited version just using Steve's side of the conversation.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Night of Broken Glass

Kristallnacht, (German: “Crystal Night”), also called Night of Broken Glass or November Pogroms, the night of November 9–10, 1938, when German Nazisattacked Jewish persons and property. The name Kristallnacht refers ironically to the litter of broken glass left in the streets after these pogroms. The violence continued during the day of November 10, and in some places acts of violence continued for several more days. (Read More

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A synagogue burns during the Kristallnacht. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

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Image result for the night of the shattered glasses Image result for the night of the shattered glasses


Mind Blowing evidence of the First Earth Age.  This is the Age of Disclosure, aka the Great Awakening.  Shatter the paradigm the Elites taught you, that you evolved from pond scum and life is meaningless happenstance... SHATTER THE PARADIGM that has imprisoned your mind and become all that God created you to be.  Step up and take your place in the Great Awakening... the most exciting time in all of Human History.  The TRUTH will set you FREE.