Two Witnesses of Revelation Explained

After having located the origin of several Biblical lands including Ophir and the Garden of Eden the source of the Temple Gold and resources and identifying the lands of the Lost Tribes of Israel, it is time for us to tackle one of the Bible's greatest mysteries. Who are the Two Witnesses? Where do they come from? Can we know? In our journey of increasing knowledge we believe we can now better identify these witnesses and where they will come from. Watch, test and learn. 

11-year-old ‘drag kid’ dances in popular NYC gay club

NEW YORK, New York, December 17, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Perhaps sensing the horrific optics of the event, LGBT news sites have assiduously avoided reporting that their favorite 11-year-old drag kid “Desmond Is Amazing” danced on stage in a New York gay bar while adult male patrons tossed money his way as if he were a male stripper.
The pre-adolescent boy, dressed in drag to imitate singer Gwen Stefani, pranced around the stage at Brooklyn’s 3 Dollar Bill, an LGBT bar described as “queer owned & operated,” and “Brooklyn’s Premiere Queer Bar & Performance Venue.”

A different imagery

So you would need different imagery to get your message across but in spite of all the effort you are still under the Shadows...Big Brother is watching. Life of one who blows the whistle...they laugh at you or either ignore you.

Repetition... their tools...  

A Whisper to a Scream
So perhaps you would need different imagery 
To redirect the flow of the main river and media streams 
Across unsuspecting victims 
but in spite of all the effort you are still under the Shadows.... 
for you are in their Territories.
Have they marked you? Perhaps...
But we don't have to give up nor lose hope. 
One individual at a time...
A true Seeker. Someone who truly Care to Seek
God's face...
Never cease...

Pray for wisdom...Cast care....Love. 
Even soft echo...barely audible.
Someone will care to listen. Somehow....
No songs tonight...just silent poetry.

50 Year Old Recording Proves Everything

This is a recording from 1967,  It describes events we see in the news  today with shocking accuracy. Everything was pre planned and they only have one goal. 

Myron Fagan is the speaker

This is the real DEEP STATE. 

Thank you for watching. 

God Bless You.

(The video above was gone, but I've found copy....)