Wednesday, April 14, 2010

deception on education...

     I was thinking maybe the government should do something about our education program. We should all together clear to our student Darwin's theory of evolution. It is a very dangerous philosophy. When he suggested man came from monkey, the evil thoughts was put to mind in our children....they become less loving because they feel they are just animal without purpose but to multiply or evolve into another species. It is very clear in Genesis that God made living things according to its kind...and he made Man special because He created it into His own likeness.
     Textbook used in school should be revised too. Actually, it had been proven by some sensible and God-fearing scientist that Darwin's theory is outdated and had no concrete evidence to support but just pure speculations. For one, he said that a bacteria is a simple single cell, but latest study shows that a single cell bacteria is actually far more advance than the latest computer in the world. Isn't it amazing that God's wisdom is so vast that we can not fathom even the tiniest of His creation.

     The human anatomy? Without design do you think it would stand up properly and in balance? If we consider the size of our feet to the body structure, it is almost impossible that we are even able to walk with our tiny feet. God is so amazing that by simply observing his creation, we will just look in awe and  marvel.

     I think we should include more of God's word into science. Than science trying to prove that all happen without a creator.

Colossian 2:8 "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ."

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