Sunday, January 9, 2011

Road Plan for 2011 (A Prayer)

   "Declaring want we want to happen for 2011." Our Preacher said this morning.  Setting up vision is very important and the first step is to determine what we really want to receive from God this year. A nice advise and I think I can start doing my own list now.
Dear Father,
   First, Father you knew, I've always wanted to have my own restaurant. Although I love cooking, the foremost inspiration to set up one is because I like seeing people satisfied with my services.....chatting to customer about life in general was a constant image on my head ever since. I like it to be a gathering place not just a venue to have a good meal, but a sort of a community within a community. Where a tired laborer can unwind and let out what he feels, I want to create friends on the process.
    It will happen because I know you will provide.
   About my artistry? To create more inspiring works through Realizationism Art. Oh God give me the inspiration to share and bless everything that I've touch. More face painting projects too. Fulfill the visions of TAGallery and the arrangement for its missions. Bless  all the members and artisan and that they may find fulfillment in their works. That I may share on our Church ministry like a workshop on paintings and the arts. Use me Lord according to Your will.
   Give me the strenght Lord to accept the double portion of all the task you want me to do.
   Write more blogs about salvation and that the Lord lead me with all these and that only His  real Gospel be preach. Use me Lord Jesus as a vessel of blessings to other.
   Give my wife Bella the wisdom to enlarge her territory, her empanada business to create more jobs also to our neighbours. Fulfill all her hearts desire.
   To Elijah, may he continue in serving the Lord in Children ministry and that his faith will ever be burning upon the altar. To Elyona, who's going to her first year in school, may she shine as testimony to others.To my mother, more fruitful years. To Gina, my sister, may the hand of the Lord continue to hold her husband Roger and Children (Ezequiel, Troy & Kelly) and be with them always as they all left for Canada this year. To my other half-sister ; Ate Fe, Liza and Melissa, guide them to your Kingdom and that they will come to worship you in Spirit and in truth, so as their family.
   What are your plan for me Lord Jesus so that I can reach out  all my love ones, friends and my country? I expect your reply in the coming days of 2011.
   To my neighbour, may they have the willingness to listen to Your word, Father God. May they see your image in me as a living proof of your goodness and mercy.
   As a personal wish from you Father, remind me always of your Love. Stay by my side Jesus and let your Holy Spirit rest upon your servant, for I know apart from You, I can do nothing. All these supplication and request, I asked in Jesus name.


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