Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Roots

   Signified by a sketch of a crampled paper,
the confirmation of the 
artist/blogger's baptism to the art scene. 
To me, I considered the Visual Art Workshop at Cultural Center of the Philippines or CCP is the birthmark of my artistry. As a kid I was never allowed to mother prohibits me but who can resist an instinct that never cease to pulsate on my pulse? Of course, I disobey....and one day my mother  discovered my drawings hidden under my bed and as a result he hammered my hand twice, but luckily no bones were broken. 
   In that childhood scenario I grew up naive in the arts, but at times my mother would allow me to draw but discourages me to take it seriously. I always wanted to take Fine Arts and obviously that would be impossible so I was oblige to study college at PNC and took Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. Daily I would asked God "Why I am here?" All I can see then are gloomy future ahead of me if I become a teacher....
   But one day Dra. Loreto Castillo-Gloria (Head, Music & Arts Dept.) told me "I want to send you to a free art workshop, I can't think of anyone else....CCP send us this invitation and the school allowed only 2 representative one is from the admin." 
   I can't recall how I reacted but it was the happiest news I ever heard in my entire life.
   From then on I never question God's plan in my life. I simply let Him work....

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