Wednesday, February 2, 2011

ArtLover Group's Blog

   I think it's about time that I publish a blog for ArtLover Group. This idea had been hanging on my head for quite sometimes now--The many beautiful creations of my fellow artist in Tagged deserve to be immortalized. Now, I am working till morning with coffee on one hand and let me remind you that I am not taking any material gain for this endeavor. I am doing this for one simple reason, my love for art. 

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.-- John 15:13

   In two or three days the blog will be ready for launching. As of now, the creative juices are flowing quite awesome. The blog now has 5 stand-alone pages...I wont be revealing for now what's in store  for you to see....The blog header is simply called "Artlover Group"

   Above is a teaser for the dynamic venue for art lover worldwide member to explore. A joint membership of more than a thousand members will definitely inspire us all to create.

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