Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Benefit of a Diary

   FEAR and depression often go together. Young and old, rich or poor; everybody experience some sort of anxiety one form or another -- most especially during this time of financial crisis and threats of terrorism. The Bible foretells these inevitable scenario LUKE 21;25 '' ....and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; .....mans heart failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth.''
   Since this things will surely come to pass what can we do or is there a way that can strengthen us on this trying times. I suggest we follow the therapy employed by one of the greatest man of God, no other than King David himself.
   Perhaps some of you already know that David is the primary author of Psalms; through this remarkable collection we can learn of events in his life's story -- in which he often expressed strong emotions. Maybe you never saw it this way, but the benefit of maintaining a journal is attested by both health professional and The Bible.
   David's therapy was writing Psalm especially in times of distress. His writing almost always ends in jovial notes. So I suggest you take this space for your own benefit to be able to reflect about the issues being thrown your way.

1 comment:

  1. would you believe that we had a whole day session on writing diaries?

    i was inspired by several saints who wrote their bibliography... and to fill in memory gaps, i started keeping one...

    one good thing about it is, i can always go back into the experiences i had in the past and make my reflections richer by looking at how i've journeyed throughout the years and have grown out of some childish feelings and quirks... i also take note of all the people who walk with me along the way...

    life is indeed full of surprises...

    fher now introduced me to a new way of writing my journals...electronically...and sharing them through blogs...

    i'm glad to read other people's insights too... i learn a lot from them :)...thanks so much for sharing...


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