Saturday, February 12, 2011

Burial of the Past

This painting is one of the most important work that marks an event in my life...I didn't expect I would be able to surpassed as if hell has already taken my soul. It was after all my fault, now that I have realized that arguing or resisting the divine course will somehow take its course and you'll be certain to fall on your knees. Go back to the drawing room again and create a new hope. We don't want to rot and be useless. Life is so beautiful to give up.
   So in  this painting I remember the cold nights with a quivering hand and a crying soul, I pour out my heart and came up with a Realizationism. Burial of the past which I have done in 1995 marked the biggest turning point in my life. The long painful process to realign my thoughts to what God intend for my life.

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