Thursday, February 10, 2011


   Don't make your brain bleed trying to decipher 005; you don't have to...Well you can do whatever pleases you like Lara Croft trying to solve the mystery behind the dead. In time I might be in the obligatory position to stand in the Court of Rulers and explain these prophesy.
   There are innocent images or are they?
   I have to stroll at Cartimar one of these's a therapy for me.
   In truth is you could easily type on Google and have your mind feed itself on literally millions of truth caster but are ignored and even put to jail for revealing such things. Well, of course they are not charge for their real crime but are accused of other crime...some have grain of reality in it, some are fabricated. Like demolition jobs....samples are the stone cast to the king of pop. 
   But you call all of these as ridiculous....worthless imaginations. You may say I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the ONLY one. Though the message was rather communism don't you think?
   Better watch famous singers, they are very much utilized for these grand scheme. Or watch Major Sporting Event like Olympics and Super Bowl. 23
   Now type: Seven Hills. Now read Revelation 17.

   Most people have a vague idea of what they want to achieve in life, and keep these vague ideas in their head. However, because they are vague ideas the action they take to accomplish those goals is also vague. And as a result, usually ineffective.
   The three keys to living without limits have always been the same. They are clarity, competence, and concentration. Goal setting will help you live without limits. Learning how to set goals is an art.

1 comment:

  1. very beautiful fher... sam and i are both dreamers and we are realizing these dreams one by one...

    he opened his stock market business last year ... and i began working in a medical journal... it's not easy to leave our comforts behind... but there's no easy road ...we're taking our tents everywhere...

    another goal set would be to put something for the abandoned children in india... perhaps...perhaps, God willing... we'll make this dream come true ;)


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