Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The similar genre of A Visual Manuscript this blog has transpose to inject the messages necessary for the real event on the rise. NOT the fabricated headlines the puppet media are making us see.
Spontaneous and may appear random because the revelation came as it is...some instances are yet to be identified....needing review or as the Spirit reveals.

Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase." -- Daniel 12:4

Execution of three OFW in China was Halted at the moment. See Details HERE
 From this day onwards I will be ILLUMINATING you with the coming Kingdom.

Dark Days Are Coming

In an interview with Tu Pac, he openly begged hip-hop die hard to stop nodding their heads to any music they hear because the songs may not be what they think. He went on to say that people should hold Musicians accountable for the songs they put out. We all know that a week after that interview, Tu Pac was shot nine times in the chest! His crime was to stand out against the Illuminati by letting out the top secrets of the society.

   The most stupid thing to hear is Believing in Jesus but rejecting the Bible.

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