Tuesday, April 5, 2011


   Drafting some blogs kept me busy...staying awake during the night till dawn. There are some serious issues needed to be shared. It seems having too much to offer make you accomplish lesser. Some of the things I've started remain unfinished and it appears I have created a vision larger than my capacities. I can't remember the last art work that I did which is also another neglected area in my life. Yes, I need to attend my family domestic affairs too...all my chosen field seems draining now...very few care to listen or even bother to notice.
   At least you did your part, the voice whispered. Psyching my brain are browsers game...away from reality for awhile....commanding vast armies in Terra Militaris, venturing the outer-space in Galaxy On-Line, and I wonder what happen to my businesses in CityVille.
   There are some eye-opener being stirred on my consciousness these past days. Whatever I've piled up are now getting its roots...I must call upon my Saviour. A great big miracle must come to rescue me. How special I am to be redeemed on this situations? I have been many times covered with the saving grace of God.
   Clearing my fish tank with filth have to symbolized act...just to make sure I am still aligned with the universe. It requires some physical effort too so I am touching another idle area...computing ache my tendons for long hours of stationary activities. A feature done by Tipong Pinoy about Comics industry in the Philippines brought me to mix-emotions of bygone years...I could have explore on it more. BUT I remain at the mercy of self-gratifications...remaining at the mercy of others...drifting where the tides carried me. I have not valued things that should comes first. The fish at least scan the viccinity to survive. I played languid and begging for mercy.
   The fruits of those stolen nights in the arms of prostitution...scraping my flesh till I can't recognized the beauty of real paradise. I traveled the wide open spaces...the breeze in tempo with cheerful notes...darkness soothing the bruises that I have inflicted on my own. The smell of nicotine and cheap perfume engulped me...pardon me my child if I have led you to my own weaknesses. You wish for a few dime I could not give. The tendencies to spoil was there to patch something I have lacked. O where are the writers of the Morality boasting at the sights of thousands.
   The similarity of these nights have covered the past I have long escaped. The same dream...of a different tone where my own reflections seen with her schemes I have long adopted, the vile taste I have learn to appreciate...even in tears...of a broken and contrite heart.
   A hostage drama somewhere in Agusan, not sure...have to read the issue...or does it matter? An urgent matter.
   I feel like breath out of pace. Calmness in this hour...O I beg.


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