Monday, June 20, 2011

The Altered Mind

Great that I have made a new day more meaningful that just follow the call of weakness....I slept the whole afternoon and was so consumed after I have cleaned the new house we shall move in, probably by the end of this month. A fever is creeping in once again...still having some stroke of sleepiness but I have to move...Must move. After I have prepared the food for dinner I immediately grab After Image, and see if I can continue doing the hanging work that I tentatively called on my notebook as "Without Hats" a self-portrait. 
   There was a little struggle for me to make it a separate individual piece. This was supposedly the 3rd page to place some of my bio.... until I found a realization while doing it and partially taking my inspiration from Van Gogh. 
   What role have I played in front of a crowd and the real me alone in my studio. This is my first inter-active piece have it posted step by step at Tagged ArtLover Group and show some painting technique I used. It is a mixture of watercolor, poster paint and of course my signature style of pasting collages as well as directly writing....
   Hand over the head, well it is literal...need explain more? it is a self evaluation with tears for sensitiveness...on issues at the present moment. I believe with you be sensitive as an artist to understand what other feels but not too sensitive when it comes to criticism....the pasted item are place there to represent ideas or words needed to be shared....Wait even if I am giving explanation here, this work must be inter-personal which mean can be access by another individual through their own understanding...when you look at it, I wish that you see also your own self-portrait.
   The piece is done and when I have step back, I have a second thought, perhaps it is not yet over....
   I looked at After Image, the 8th Visual Journal and saw that I have easily evolved overnight....plucked the pages and start a new one. 

Related Post: After Image, revision

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