Sunday, July 3, 2011


My new work area
Rediscovering my old diaries was a welcome surprise and the timing was as if designed for my upcoming natal day. There was mixed emotions when I open the box...I should thank my wife for keeping them safe and thought time and my carelessness have already claimed these writings...lots of them, and I still haven't make my count. As far as I can remember, I had 14 books which I titled Testament Of Fisher: An Autobiography...that I think started during my college days. 
   So typhoon Ondoy had not taken these collections at all, plus some pocket books and letters...I still have to peek in some more only when I have the opportunity. This moving in a new house would need more time re-furnishing the space...a lot more bigger space.
   I will let you have glimpses of what I had written during those early years...mostly the formative years of my artistry and most especially my love life. Once I had browse and found interesting scene to share and perhaps be able to reflect also on my own status. I had read some and found my self smiling alone to some of my misadventure...mostly are bitter-sweet memories and how faithful I am. There are also some very simple wishes that during those days was a matter of life and death. I can laugh at them now. God had been with me in all those years...
   Cindy C., is my latest artworks , done in pen and watercolor....I am very glad to capture a strong sense of expressions on this piece. It is very different in all the painting I made, its quality reveals all the detail and shadows, shaded with over-seen brushstrokes but realistic in appeal....I still have to put some lettering on it but the painting or coloring was finished last Sept. 1988. (The Fisher 2, 1988, pp. 27)
   I can't recall that work anymore...but I think I had it copied from a men's magazine with a starlet by the name of Cindy C. Oh just wait a minute, I think its a portrait of Cindy Crawford with my "tear-out" style writing on my paintings.

   When I went to worship today the main Prayer intent was for the mural to be pursued...this time the owner wanted landscape to cover the wall of their foyer and garage area. The owner first idea were cartoon and anime character, but when I return today he is opting for scenery just like what he saw somewhere in the Middle East where he had been. 
   Network connection is harder on this area and in fact, it has been consuming lots of time during my session which eats my desire to log some comments. I had so many ideas pulsating around my neurons that I can't do because of this computing hindrances....
   Humbleness and Humility. Would be publishing now this very blog and shall continue next time.


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