Monday, July 25, 2011

SONA, Juaning, and a dangerous things

Yesterday noon almost after the S.O.N.A. of President Noy typhoon Juaning arrived here in Laguna, I've heard it reach Bicol region earlier and people are already evacuated in some areas. Here it came with fluvial rage and the downpour was able to flood half foot outside...the waterways are clogged or it was not rolling down... 
   How about the State of the Nation Address? It was filled with interesting anecdotes and what makes it appealing is the use of Filipino language by Aquino; fair enough but only a sort of reviews and although there where some mentions of what he has achieved so far it was still quite empty. Empty on concrete plans like how he will generate more jobs or how he can invite more investors. The quote I like most and perhaps having the loudest roar is "Ang sa Pilipinas ay sa Pilipinas!" (What is for Philippines is to Philippines)...sorry I can not translate it to the nearest thought of its intent.
   He did not mention anything about Hacienda Luisita, nor about future plans for educations which I've notice isn't on top of his priority ever since, remember cutting the budget for education-fund in state colleges.
   Here's my Facebook shout-out anyway:   
I didn't hear any clear road plans on Educations or even achievement on that area, nothing about Hacienda Luisita, or any hint about Maguindanao massacre, nor running after Big Corporations taxes. But Bravo for the near impossible dream of asserting our rights on "West Philippines Sea" 
   In fairness, he had been true (so it seems) to what he had promised to bust corruptions and central to his speech is the word "wang-wang" and there were some statement that made me gnash my teeth; like 1 Billion expenses on coffee alone; was it PCSO? I didn't quite catch what he said. That is according his analysis would be 1 Million cups of coffee for 100 pesos each. "Buti nakaka-tulog pa sila..." he quips. 
   "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing..." heard it somewhere.  Does it mean anything to us now that we know all these things? I mean, so what if the past administrations betrayed us, raped us unaware, or lambasted our resources and ridiculed our trust?
   Let's help Pnoy...pray for him, he is just one man.  
   May God bless us all...

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