Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nostalgic Moments

We can be crucified between two thieves,
regrets of the Past and fear of the Future.

Although we can set the ambience to be nostalgic, any moment we like; this situation can be prompted by many factors like; when we overheard an old familiar tune, or during visits to our hometown, or also when we happen to re-read old books, found that family album while cleaning the house, or when you get invited to a Blogfest like these.
   There’s always that melancholic air when we enter a state of Nostalgia.  We will found our lips automatically smiling at times when our attention was caught by an almost fading Class picture; and all you could do is shake your head re-discovering that you actually wore those unmatched pants and suits during prom night or for ladies heavy set of hair-do with bright red lipstick and fake long curly lashes…together with flooding images from our much younger days.  Those bitter-sweet memories that still linger and sometimes coupled with regrets and “what if’s”….Sometimes we had wished those days had never ended or that we could re-live the moment once again.
   I had always imagine myself when I grow much older…The dancing glow of the fireplace with my grandchildren gathered around me; as I tell them stories of my adventures and mis-adventures. I’ll tell them that I used to have string of girls on my collections and how their grandmother snatched me in the middle of these lovely women. Oopps! That’s moving away from the past but going nostalgic for the future.  Hahaha. Of course, we can always spice up our story-telling for cinematic purposes.
   Anyway, so I’m supposed to be re-experiencing the past and make a blog out of these…
   It is said that gratitude is the memory of the heart, and perhaps my heart is filled with so much to be thankful for…people and places that remain inside the photo album of my mind.
   I opted to delete those images that have scarred my heart or marred my memories…I want to basked into yesteryears where those smiles and laughter’s stayed immortal.  Sometimes, I may have hurt people along the way unknowingly or intentionally but those were the recklessness of my youth and innocence.  That is why, for me, it is easier to forget and forgive now because of those “nostalgic memories” that allows me the lessons…that a person’s character are simply the mirror of his good and bad experiences.
   So as I turn old pages from my nostalgic time-travel…I’ve realized the value of each and every person that God allowed me to meet. They will forever stay in my heart more than how I have immortalized them in my “visual manuscript” and diaries…they form part of me and hopefully I had made it too as a special mark in the gallery of their Nostalgic Museum.
   Since a Nostalgic Moment is a compact remembering experiences of all the senses…I feel that I should include music in the background…and this song said it all…

“And often times when I’m about to call it home…
We have to move along…
Life is a constant change.”


  1. Beautiful! Someone once said that nostalgia is not all bad and I agree..for me when I think about nostalgia it is makes me sad but it is good.


  2. Really sweet post. I might share a poem titled Moving On ;) I wrote during one such nostalgic moment :)

  3. Very nice. I like how you became nostalgic in the future at the same time you were nostalgic in the past.
    Every single memory has it's place and time and will never die as long as we don't let them.


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