Monday, September 26, 2011

Synchronized Poetic Rendetions

"Poetic Intentions"
A beacon of hope, a candle that suppose to be speaking
Empty rhetoric of a man with only so little to give.
The shimmering glow has come to exhaustion...

There’s a super typhoon threatening to hit the Philippines. As if intensifying the memory of typhoon Ondoy two years ago, this one Pedring already making an early gnashing…although it was predicted to make landfall by tomorrow. So I wrote a blog and you can hit this link IN MEMORY OF ONDOY. But before the blog, I was charge by an intense desire to paint…
   The idea was formed about a day or two ago, and I had made a rough sketch of it yesterday but there were some art projects that came plus I still have to make Empanada to sell. By the time all errand was finished, I was too tired to face the said artwork therefore I indulge myself on the internet, visiting of course Tagged ArtLover Group…play Iron-Grip Marauders, Edit some of my sites, and browse some article…
   So the said work was re-started this noon. When it’s done I feel satisfied and ready to brag it on cyberspace that I call “Poetic Intensions” although the intent was not really met after it didn’t came out nice on photograph. Well, the usual problem with my camera: the image were blurry and it doesn’t show the beautiful color mixing I had achieved on this piece; especially the central figure which is the candle with mouth—a surreal approach that symbolizes an advocacy that I want to share being the beacon or light for mankind.

   It is quite frustrating after more than a dozen attempts taking shots; twisting, adjusting lights, white-balance and contrast but to no avail. The only consolation is looking at it directly on my work. Now, it’s a great deal to me now to acquire a new camera. That thing wouldn’t be possible at the moment. I’m so broke and there are some necessary debts to finish.
   Sometimes, I was thinking I should go back working and abandon my quest for self-employment. This is a tough season for my entrepreneurship and my other sidelines aren’t that booming too… I must have been wrong in my decisions…
   All is accumulating now after about 3 years since I leave Print Town. It must have been a brave move but not wise at all.       
   Now the beacon is fading…its shimmering glow has come to its exhaustion… 
In moments of failure
I will think of past successes.

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