Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Evidence of Moses' crossing Red Sea

It is interesting to note that the modern discipline of archaeology was originally born out of an interest in recovering history--and not just any history, but, specifically, Bible history.  Dr Randall Price notes that the word archaeology first appears in English in 1607, where it was used to refer specifically to the "knowledge" of ancient Israel from literary sources such as the Bible (1997: 25).
 Thus, from the beginning, the idea of archaeology was linked to the Bible.  It was only as archaeology shifted its focus to other lands to recover their histories that a special term had to be coined for that branch of archaeology that retained as its primary focus, the Bible; thus, "Biblical Archaeology" was born.
Above, baby Moses or Senmut, Moses or Thutmoses 2 as an adult with serpent on forehead meaning Crown Prince, Caves in Saudi Arabia near modern Al Bad called "Caves of Moses" by the local villagers.  Moses was to bring the people back to this area in Saudi Arabia or Midian.
It is interesting to note that there are actually a very rich collections of evidences that link to the Bible...therefore we can not dismiss the fact what the Bible said it is. It is obviously moot-and-academic to say that Bible stories are not myth and legends but actually Historical fact.
   Yet, surprisingly many (even those who claim they are Christians) still consider part of the Bible (if not its entirety) as legend, allegorical, and even hearsay. How many of you have read the first Book of the Bible? Genesis is perhaps one of the most controversial collections of stories. We can read here the story of creation; the original sin from the Garden of Eden; The flood that wipe almost all mankind; The parting of Red sea to enable Moses and the Israelite cross to the promise land; the compounding of languages at Babel; and much more that seems to defy logic. 
   Other theologian even famous founder of religions became lost explaining the seemingly extravagant claims of the Bible especially Genesis. Often their mistakes was trying to tie-up Scriptural texts with the more popular or current  worldviews. These mistakes continued from generations to generation.

 Archaeology makes a believer
   Now only through recent discoveries and more advance research we are now seeing the (possible) reality of all Biblical stories. 

The abundance of archaeological evidence in support of the Bible can strengthen faith, and in some cases it has greatly contributed to giving birth to belief where none existed before.
  An example of physical evidence building one's faith is the life of Englishman William M. Ramsay (1851-1939). Born in the lap of luxury, Ramsay was dutifully raised as a nonbeliever by his atheist parents. He graduated from Oxford University with a doctorate in philosophy and became a professor at the University of Aberdeen.
   Determined to undermine the historical accuracy of the Bible, he studied archaeology with the aim of disproving the biblical account. Once ready with the necessary scientific tools and learning, he traveled to Palestine and focused on the book of Acts, which he fully expected to refute as nothing more than myth.
  After a quarter-century of work, Ramsay was awestruck by the accuracy of the book of Acts. In his quest to refute the Bible, Ramsay discovered many facts which confirmed its accuracy.
  He had to concede that Luke's account of the events and setting recorded in the narrative were exact even in the smallest detail. Far from attacking the biblical account, Ramsay produced a book, St. Paul, the Traveller and Roman Citizen, which supported it.
   Eventually, William Ramsay shook the intellectual world by writing that he had converted to Christianity. Ironically, this man who set out to refute the Bible, found himself accepting the Bible as God's Word because of his explorations and discoveries. (Source: )
   If you are still not convince, try discovering the same discovery William Ramsay this video.

Why people doubt the reliability of the Bible's history is the impression that 
archaeological research as disproven biblical history (the patriarchal period, the Exodus, Jericho, etc.) This leaves the impression that some positive evidence has been found ...that has conclusively shown the Bible to be wrong on some historical point.  However, such evidence is much less available and unequivocal than people realize.  Indeed, the preeminent Israeli archaeologist Yigael Yadin is said to have made the comment that in over 50 years of archaeological research he had not seen anything that contradicted the basic historicity of the Bible...


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