Sunday, October 2, 2011

Building Inspiration

Since yesterday I've been trying to get inspired...I did not waited but created my inspirations. I pick a color pencil  and chose this time the manuscript "Stolen Moment" make as an ignition work as usual. Yes, these are what I called ignition pieces or I can build up a confidence or to be exact summoning enough energy to paint a thematic work.
   The usual process start with a couple of doodles and then sketch process until images are form...but it does not always appear as I wanted too...there are times when frustrations hit me. But I always, no I mean never discard them totally since they will still provide source for future explorations...

   I feel not being able to serve the purpose of my personal existence when I'm not creating an least a simple sketch will suffice. So after hurdling some detour that only happens on my brain I made these two item below...

   Why portrait of women? It's the easiest connection I can do at this moment...but it is not always the case, I also browse and add items on my visual diaries for boost...often simultaneously....
   I think in a few hours or day I will have new inspiration coming. A painting worth sharing.


  1. You are a born don't need just need to keep scribbling.Damn good art Fher.


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