Saturday, November 12, 2011

The illumination of the moment

The feel of fresh materials can give you a bit of a push, well at least on my case. 
   I am a bit sentimental over my artworks so I am having a hard time giving or selling them away.
   Oh yes there are times that I have some regrets too, why I leave my job as an employee. But I prefer this isolation from the regular routine. The LORD brought me here and I totally trust where He leads. 
   Am I rich? Surely not in the monetary sense...but I feel I was always blessed. 
   It's hard to explain my situations, some may not like the choices that I've been doing...especially if you would look back how much I am earning around the corporate world. Oh! Some nights can be cold and I wish I have stayed...but supervising people doesn't make sense anymore...I need to paint.
   It's hard to believe that I am surviving and even being elated at the level my causes are being realized. 
   With only my pulse to trust, as I digress back and forth...I saw some progress on some areas...the visions are still there.
   Let us just say I am living a life similar to that of the prophet Elijah for two or three years now. Where the crow provide food and drinks for me by river...
   Ah! How these are happening can be puzzling to some...that is why you should stop and consider listening to my God. The God of Heaven and Earth. 

   In the motion of simply re-echoing the images around me...I just sit down and create anything at hand. I don't need a topic to be inspired or an inspiration to paint, whatever that was would just drain time without bearing  fruit. Inspiration easily flow to a working body...yes not the busy mind. 

Some moments can easily be captured once you focus...others are not that easy to summon since there are reality we must face. Now there are two realities exchanging here and begging for our attentions. The reality of the spiritual realm needs our attention to...and I can easily reach that area once I enter into my studio. When I start to dip my brush or scribble some lines. The oneness with myself...and the voice of GOD can be heard more profound here. Sometimes seeing some of the areas that needed my immediate attentions. 
   The internet can rob my focus too even if it became a vehicle to express my thoughts so I sometimes allow myself to stay away... 
   Doing painting never fails to recollect and reconnect my self with my soul. 
   Reading the Word of God is very keep me align since we are in perilous times now where there are rampant distortions of value. Some men even dare to change the truth. 
   Yesterday I stayed away from regular routine like wash dishes and laundries some clothes. Experimented cooking new dishes. Visited and added some items on my visual journals. 


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