Saturday, November 26, 2011

What else is new?

   Touching none of the issues with regards to the current trending in and out of the country these past days. Even on my own affair I have not made any attempts to paint. Only those that require of me to do like Face Painting and projects for my kids. 
   Last Nov. 23 Maguindanao Massacre was remembered...two years passed and still families of victims cried out for justice. What? One counsel estimated that at the current phase of the hearing being done by our justice system it would take 55,000 years to reach final verdict. Can't we do something about that? 
   The Government can if they have the will...but they would not if they are protecting something. Just look at the case with former president Gloria Arroyo; they can bend justice and bureaucracy...the argument of whether they will allow Arroyo to travel or not. I am a bit confuse if there's really a formatted decision on this matter. Surely, this is not that the first time that it had happened. Just like with former President Estrada. They can hold departure order to anyone but not that easy to a suspected elite. The lever is not balance....
    Now would I be in favor of House or Hospital Arrest for our former President? Never on both. She should be treated as an ordinary criminal...after all she did. Well, a former head of state surely does not deserve that inhumane way but have you looked at the devastating images of our country?  
    Also, there's the issue of family rivalry between the Revilla's why Ramgen was murdered. Poor people will not have that kind of problem...the victim's own siblings are the suspect. 
   I really can't organized my thought on those issues...not this time. I wont be doing any thinking for them. Even about the Hacienda Luisita trouble that President Noy Aquino is facing. 
   Now for our upcoming 2nd year on Tagged ArtLover Group which is an event in itself even if it only will happen on cyberspace makes me excited all the same. I created a video that will give tribute to our members...A first time for me using Microsoft Movie Maker and I'm enjoying the learning experience while doing it. It was all just first time...learning by myself in trials and less error. Well, maybe I can make some more...

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