Monday, November 7, 2011

Which Bible?

Which Bible?
Gary Amirault, a Protestant minister, wrote:

"If you say, 'I believe in the Bible,' then you are faced with the question of 'which Bible?' ... Nearly all Christian Bibles rely on the Jewish Masoretic Hebrew text for translating the Old Testament into current languages. How was it possible for the translators to produce an 'inerrant' Bible, when the 'guardians of the so called 'inerrant' Hebrew text', did not know the meaning of many words and passages? Unfortunately, the problem does not lie with the Jews lack of understanding of their own language, but with a false doctrine perpetuated by fundamentalists for many years. The Doctrine of Biblical Inerrancy ... They say the 66 books of the present King James Bible are inerrant, but they don't tell you it lacks 14 entire books which were in the original King James of 1611. They don't tell you the King James Bible has been changed many times in the last 350 years and there have been thousands of corrections!"

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