Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Got a Liebster

What is a Liebster? Nope it's not a sea creature but a German word that means "dearest" ...
   Now over at Pallavi Vyas blog she is giving away The first ever "Liebster Blog Awards" and one of the special recipient of the award is a dear friend and one of my most admired blogger Manisha Bhatia. A well deserve award for her blog When I was Lost In Me. Which was incidentally one of my choice blog/s for The Versatile Blogger Award that I've just published here earlier. 
   Like Manisha said. "It's Raining Awards" so here accept the award I have to follow this mechanics:

To claim the award Here it goes-

- First you link back to the person who gave you the award.

- Second you pick five people that you feel deserve the award and   notify them on on their blog.

- lastly, you post the award on your blog and Spread the love!

   Since I have already given awards to some of my favorite blogs earlier...this time I will give credit to blogs that I found quite interesting to follow and were not included on earlier post...


   Thank you so much to for giving us this opportunity to express our thoughts and desires through the internet.



  1. Hello Fher.
    Congratulations again! Love is definitely in the air (smile). You've picked another fine group of people to pass it on to. There's no greater joy for a poet, writer or artist to have his/her work recognized and appreciated. Keep on doing what you love, Fher and may many more awards come your way.
    Well done, my friend!

  2. Thanks so much for this lovely award! I will be working on my selections next week! I'm truly honored!

  3. Thank You Fher, I appreciate this especially from you

  4. Dear Fher,Thank you for cheering me up with this love and blessings. I will now have to try to prove true to this praise!


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I remain