Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My First Animation

Inspired by our young animators while me and my children were browsing YouTube. It started as a challenge made by my son and again inspired by ARTner Melissa's beautifully rendered Video Blog Poetry (MY LOVE SONG)
   I said to myself, "Hey! I can do this..." while watching a clip obviously done by a student. This is like a child play...
   I return to my childhood. With little help from technology, luck, and enthusiasm. I pick my cellphone...roam around in our house to look for an inspiration...
   Aha! What else?! My art materials...
   I have some experiences with stop-motion animation during video shoots for weddings around a decade or so, when me and my sister started A Photo-Video business...that's enough experience, I guess...
   The video came out good...well, actually nice...even if it needed lots of expected for a first timer.:) 
   Well, enough with the introduction...


  1. This is so very cool and also very sweet. I think you did a great job putting it together. <3

  2. My friend Fher,
    I am here...finally...sorry for my lateness.

    WoW! This is very creative & impressive for a first try. Now you've been bitten by the bug, I can't wait to see what else you come up with in the future. Every Tuesday, a group of us get together for video sharing called YouTube Tuesday. We share videos of all, photos, documentaries, art. Doesn't have to be a video from YouTube either, it can be a video of your choice, even this one you just made. We usually add our videos to the link at Josh Collins' blog & then go around visiting each other. It's quite fun & I've discovered a lot of new things too. You're more than welcome to join in anytime. The link usually goes up sometime during Monday or early Tuesday here...

    Thanks for sharing, my friend. Have a great week ahead!


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