Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sharing The Award

what a welcome surprise to received my first Versatile Blogger Award from Thoughts of Beauty in the Stillness of Dawn by Andy David.  In fact, the first award in terms of blogging. Thank you so much Sir Andy David for the recognition and honor. 

   This passion to write was next only to my visual arts but to be recognized in such a way reminds me that enormous responsibility are attached to this endeavor. That each time we hit that publish button,   we expose ourselves and anyone for that matter, on materials that may affect humanity in the long run. Although my blog only had a handful of followers, I know what little spark can do...
   Once again, an award as such, makes me go back to my inner sanctum and rethink...cherish also the fruits...reflect. What have I really done? The answer maybe are within the pages of my blogs. 
Sharing the Award...
   In the tradition of the award, you have to pass it to 15 different bloggers and reveal 7 random things about myself plus of course paste the picture on the post.  
   Lot's of my on-line friend knew me as a Visual Artist but I think The seven random info that I will be sharing are facts most of you have no idea...
1. I have a slight fear eating spaghetti for unknown reason...
2. Don't talk to me when I am painting (I wont be irritated or get distracted, But I will not understand what you are saying)
3. My first real job is a Waiter in Singing Cooks and Waiters Restaurant.
4. Each morning I would spend an hour or two just staring on my fish tanks...
5. I used to be a Break-dancer and president of Lakandula Street Dancer
6. I drink more than 6 cups of coffee in a day...perhaps a dozen in normal situation. 
7. I love cats more than dogs. 

Now for the 15 (plus 5) Top Bloggers of my choice? Most have been awarded already with the same Honor but I think needed to be mention again here!!!
In Alphabetical Order: (Click their names to link respective blogs)

Aaron Offord not just about street photography but positive outlook
Abhisek Panda he manage great he should be awarded again.
Alpana Jaiswal on friendship this is the site to be...
Grant Snider humorous but real life comic strips
Linda Lee for experiencing the more powerful versions of ourselves. 

Jan Neel  for simple yet captivating collections of photos
Jerly Thinkingspace for her thought-provoking, mind twisting post. 
Kim Griffin on random thoughts...and how to think louder
Lisa Schmidt because I find her art works interesting...
Manisha Bhatia on Love and family relationships, poetry...anything. 

Mari Sterling Wilbur for the No non-sense tips, easy to the eye photographs.
Melissa Tandoc because of her honest one on one inner self-reflections.
Michael Edds on final great awakening; a must...
Monu Awalla for poetry and artistry...
Rimly Bezbaruah fiery poetry...this is it!

Sancheeta Biswas for weaving love in abstract but passionate poetry
Shah Wharton get blog reviews or find authors...
Syed Alfandi on beautiful digital art with a sense of heritage...
Tim Suttle for Christians everywhere...
Wan Maznah cooking and art fuse together...two of my passion.

   There are quite a large lists of beautifully written blog and interesting sites.. I wish I could include all...well, maybe I'll reserve those for next awards.  


  1. Fher thanks a tonne n congrates to all d bloggers..

    1. Welcome Mani!!! Keep those blogs coming...
      More Power!

  2. Hi, Fher! ~

    Congratulations and Thank you for honoring me this way!

    When you say you spend hours each morning looking at your fish tank, do you mean a real fish tank or your blog banner -- haha! It is mesmerizing ;-)


    1. Hahaha! It didn't cross my mind...I actually had fish tank on my blog. :)
      Thanks Linda...

  3. Congratulations Fher..I believe you earned the award after all your hard're the ultimate artist I've ever known..

  4. Hey Fher this is awesome...received 2 versatile blogger awards in 2 days and I'm Lovin' It...Congratulations to all the bloggers listed here...they truly are versatile.I am just a beginner learning one thing at a time.Thank you for this honor which is very special.I love your fish tank up there. :)


  5. Oh congratulations Fher, and oh my, I just spotted mine on my page, thank you so much I am honored and surprised by this. A bit overwhelmed I think. <3<3<3

  6. Fher, my friend.
    Congratulations and thank you for accepting the award. This is a very heartfelt post.
    Sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of encouragement for us to rediscover our passions. You are a very talented & creative person & I wish nothing but the best or you. Always continue believing in yourself.

    Congratulations too to everyone else mentioned here! Let us continue to be inspirations to one another.

  7. Didnt know u have been a break dancer! I think the best thing about such award sharing is the new things we get to know about our blogger friends.

    Congrats for getting the award, u deserve it! and Thanks Fher for sharing the honour :)

  8. hey thank u so much Fher.. Loads of thnx.. :)

  9. firstly congratulations! you are a true VERSATILE BLOGGER. i love your blog and your creative art works.

    i was taken by surprise, i am so honored to receive the award. thank you FHER. i am happy that i make you flow with my passionate painting in words:)


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