Monday, April 2, 2012

Drifting Within The Matrix

Every once in a while we still need to sway back and forth within the realm of the Matrix and enlighten path. We need to breath the secular airwaves and blend among the common species. 
   Like Apostle Paul whom I believe was still able to practice his tent making trade between preaching and casting demons during his lifetime; that is of course when he was out from prisons or away from persecutions. 

   The tons of information coming from sources are quite overwhelming, though we have to stay alert, we also need play time and leisure. Both are vital.
   I must remind the initiate about these...
   My close friends synthesized the balance between the meta and physical. Prophets are not recognized in his own neighborhood. We are so familiar with each other, so we tend to discuss things familiar and common. So, it is thru them that I get my connections with the Matrix. 

   So, for now (at least on this blog as reminder) I wont be speaking or sharing link about the conspiracies or the supernatural but instead look into other issues. Something that my friends can comment easily and more freely. I sense, some are just afraid to discuss the reality because they feel it will pluck them away from their comfort zone.
   Therefore, I still touch issues that does not require mental aerobics or we don't need to jump into an abysmal array of definitions and terms. I think those nuts and bolts are still properly attached...and assures myself that I am still floating on sanity or somewhere between those thin lines.  

   Steadily, these past years, there had been a great shift or quantum leaps from the secular to the spiritual realms. Generally the shift can be quite alarming but there are still a continuous outpouring of divine unadulterated revelations. 
   What saddened me was that some Christians are still persuaded or even endorse esoteric false green gospels. 
   The world isn't dying the way it is being heralded but it is indeed dying...or made to appear that we are nearing extinction level. What I am certain is that we are as a race is going morally bankrupt. 

   The shifting of altered consciousness, can easily be notice by TV mini-series. Occasionally we get a run down of extravagant or supra-news items. 
   Witch craft was properly installed by the Harry Potter proponent. I think people are ready to see now (if ever) real life vampire, zombie, or even aliens coming to dwell among us. 
     We don't need to be told about science fictions...we are science fiction.



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