Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Picture that Paint a Thousand Words

In most cases I get my inspiration from literary pieces like books, magazines, articles, and poetry...I never thought that the vice versa (or mutual synchronicity) would transpire from my own artwork. To become the source for a poetry to be written was beyond my expectations. It really made my heart override (or expanding within the lung cavity) when one of my favorite romantic poetess Manisha Bathia announce that she was inspired to write a poem from this painting which she call "Behind the Blue Eyes" and thus became the official title of the said work although I intended the same work with another story. To my surprise Manisha captured partially the feelings I weave at that moment...especially the lines: 
"They could never explore, could never touch the core
The wetness confines, tales of sacrifice…
   It just came to me, that whatever we intend in our mind or what's going on deep in our senses will reflect on what ever we do. Perhaps the reflection was there. 
   Telling stories is my foremost goal ever since when I paint, even for  portraits...capturing the feeling, even those fleeting moment into a Monalissa-like masterpiece. 
   To share linguistic abstract-ideas into a single frame are the challenge that I tackle every time I dabble into the medium. Not to sacrifice beauty and balance, yet there should be the necessity of telling the drama...the behind the scene and untold phrases captured in representations of images. Looking for the right brushstroke or shades of various degrees are the main task I dare to encounter. 

   The artist always give special attention to the eyes. In fact, I constantly make a conscious effort to have my selection of models on the basis of "eye" status. The pre-determined appearance of an incoming artwork is already hanging on my brain, then process the available sources to the story rubbing inside my static mind. Resourcefulness will be tested if I can't find the right representations, and sometimes I have to do small tweaking to fit my state of mind. 
   Inspiration, like everything else, is a state of mind, you can either dwell on it or alter its course. We can create inspiration, thus, I am so thankful that out of my work, another inspiration arises. 
   "Behind the blue eyes" is not a portrait, but a symbolic reflection, that anyone can give meaning to. 

   Read The full content of the article and poem of Manisha at When I was Lost in Me.  


  1. My friend,
    The eyes have me!! I read the entire story over at Mani's blog. Great job to both of you. Thanks for encouraging the young ones.

  2. Fher when I am touched by something it automaticaly makes my eyes wet and ur article did that today, ur art work is soo deep fher, i m at times staring at them to feel the hidden meanings...n as I say n feel only an artist cn tell wt he/she is writing or expressing thru portraits n words.

    I like to be connected by people this way only naturally n mutually n ur honesty and respect for people and art automatcally connects me wid u wehther I have met u or not it doesnt make a difference.

    I hope some other art work f urs will inspire me as well...;)

    Keep it up..keep going...Fher...

  3. Thank you so much sir Andy, to be affirmed by an excellent wordsmith of romantic poetry like you and to say, the least, is the best there is in the blog word, makes the effort on this artwork worthwhile and inspired me to excel even further.

  4. Dear Mani...thank you so much for being an inspiration too. Is my artwork really deep? Nah, I just re-tell story told by people who inspire me. People who have made me look into life with Realization.

  5. Your work is amazing!! You also had me from the "eyes".

    It's beautiful the whole piece, but the eyes and hair caught my attention straight away.

    Stopping by via our group "We The Bloggers" Feel free to drop in and say hello on my blog.

    Ps. if we weren't already connected, I've done so now in all the social networks we have in common.

  6. Eyes are the windows to the soul, and they can tell if the person is happy or sad. I look into a strangers eyes and read his life story there.
    Liked your pic too and am off to Mani's blog to read her post.

  7. Thanks you so much everyone for the appreciation.
    Debbie thanks...Yes I do so often drop by at WTB...and I will drop by every now and then at your blog.
    Many many thanks Sulekkha...


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