Thursday, May 17, 2012

Are You Aware That....

What are The Current Prophetic Signs?
The Bible is filled with end-times prophesies that will eventually bring the destruction of the world. There are those that claims we are actually in the tribulation phase already prior to the 2nd coming of Jesus. What made expert think that our planet is indeed dying? Are there specific signs that will bind this claims?
    Atheist scorned those reports as if believers to this Bible prophesy should be charge with Libel...Do end-times reporter had any concrete evidence to prove this claims?  
   Matthew 24 is one of the most referred  chapter from the New Testament with regards to end of times prophesies, here Jesus himself gave us the signs that we must watch...prior to His own return to earth.
   Recent Headlines like Middle East political unrest, 9/11, Haiti Earthquake and Japan Tsunami made many conclude that the said chapter is already, verse by verse unfolding...
   There are other specific signs in the Bible, like the "signs of Noah" where Jesus stated that it will be like during the times of Noah, people is drinking and eating...everything seems to be normal...God will return like a thief in the night. Our pastor said: Be alert, attentive, and don't lose hope....
    Unsuspecting world population will be caught unaware. 


   First, let me point out that these die-off happened almost at the same time worldwide, this was around the first week of January 2012 and let me remind you also that what we are told from the mainstream News outfits are "lies" and a cover-up. Like for instance, those 5,000 blackbirds that fell on Arkansas, the media immediately report that there is nothing to worry about, they were just spooked by fireworks during New Years Eve. But that was a straight lie, eyewitness report that minutes before midnight they already saw some birds falling. And just when did we ever saw in our entire life that  hundreds if not thousands of birds get spooked by firecrackers? Are these birds crazy? Another lie that they want us to believed is about the 200 dead cows. Expert said, they finally solved the mystery and that the culprit was toxic sweet potato. What!!!? Constipation can't easily kill a cow overnight. 1 or 2 dead cows would be acceptable numbers or one by one slow death even if they were indeed poisoned but a simultaneous death is mind blowing. 
  Okay, Let's say I believed those manipulative disinformation...birds died because of fireworks and cows died of poisoning BUT this is not an isolated case, this coincides with other die-offs worldwide. They all occur around January this year. By the way, mass animal deaths started around 2011. No matter what scientific explanation you want us to swallow, they still prove this verse:
Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.--Hosea 4:3

    United Kingdom: 40,000 'devil' crabs wash up on Kent coast after dying from hypothermia in freezing sea...(Source)

Dr Alasdair Bruce, one of the experts studying the dead crabs. It is the second year in a row the beaches have been littered with the sea creatures

   In Maryland,USA 2 million dead fish were found to have washed up on shores in Chesapeake Maryland Department of the Environment said: “Cold water stress exacerbated by a large population of the affected species (juvenile spot fish) appears to be the cause of the kill.

   Italy: Mystery of Mass Animal Death Epidemic Deepens after 8,000 Turtle Doves Fall Dead (Read More...)

   Wisconsin: More than 200 cows died overnight...

   Arkansas: Fallen birds on New Years Eve...
    Sweden: More dead birds....

   In Revelations, John writes that a third of the sea “became blood.” This could be caused supernaturally, as with the Nile River in Exodus 7:20, or perhaps it could be caused by the tremendous amount of death resulting in blood poured into the sea. The sea becoming blood would simply mean or refer to a tremendous loss of life. Could it be the following images?
    However, I also believed it is also a preview of what might happened since, there is an absence of one element to what John saw -- a mountain-like object falling to the sea...

    This next photo, I believe, is not yet the Biblical proportion that is being revealed by John on Revelation 8 but it is frightening just the same...It is still unusual or out of the ordinary. I think this scene was a teaser for a coming event...more scarier than these...
    OC Fisher, a reservoir in West Texas, turned blood-red — what's left of it anyway. Due to unrelenting drought in Texas, the lake has almost entirely dried up, leaving thousands of dead fish behind. As of the last week in July, when this photo was taken, bacteria had turned the stagnant dregs of the lake red. 

Are you still trying to chew what are these? Have you already define to yourself, where are you going? Are you really sure you are save? 
Have you considered accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? 

God enjoys prayers like a sweet savor. 
 Psalm 141:2 May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.

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