Friday, May 25, 2012

Bethlehem Evidence, Jessica, Gaga...

I thought the Philippine climate would be on celebration mode this day...But after the American Idol vigil for Jessica Sanchez the mood shifted. It's reminiscent of Mirriam Quiambao moment during Ms. Universe pageant. Anyway...just being there, is enough honor already. 

   So what kind of virus lurks inside the Senate? Accused people seems to get sick every time they are on trial...the latest victim is Chief Justice Renato Corona. 

   It's funny Catholic Bishop can't control its member...Lady Gaga concert is still flooded with fans who watch her concerts despite the fact that there were official statement from their religious leaders. I wonder if Born-Again Christians seems to Bible base Christian, it is automatic to detect evil when they see one. Poor church...dead and deaf members. That's what you get when you pray to became one of stoned. It's better for Muslim in Indonesia, they are united. 

   Who said the Bible is not factual? I remember the debate I had with an unbeliever who asserted Bethlehem and Nazareth are fictitious eat the way Nazareth proof was also found late last year I guess, well...let me search for it. 

JERUSALEM—Archaeologists have uncovered a tiny clay seal inscribed with the word “Bethlehem” in what is believed to be the earliest evidence for the existence of the ancient biblical city.
“The first ancient artefact constituting tangible evidence of the existence of the city of Bethlehem, which is mentioned in the Bible, was recently discovered in Jerusalem,” a statement Wednesday from the Israel Antiquities Authority said.
The artifact – a piece of clay used for sealing a document or other object, known as a ‘bulla’ – was uncovered during excavations at the City of David, a site just outside the southern wall of Jerusalem’s Old City. (Read More...)

92 China ships now in Panatag Shoal; tensions up

   So why there is still more  ships from China there in Scarborough? 

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