Saturday, May 12, 2012

Hey! It's my 300th Blog Entry

   This blog is my 300th post for Wisdom of a Fool.  After nearly 3 years of blogging. Therefore allow me to take you back into some of my most important articles or highlights...
    This painting below was created after the devastating typhoon Ondoy, that took almost all of my artworks September of 2009...

   The work first appeared April 2010 as the first entry on this blogsite. That face came from a torn magazine that was soaked in the flood. See Colours of the Flood... 
   Here's an excerpt from Then Again...Writer in a Closet (January 2011) a kick-off blog that signify my renewed interest into writing again by re-discovering the internet as a platform to express my thoughts. 
So here I am again, writing for the very simplest of all alibis, which is the urge to write. Checking this blog prove that very few had actually took the time to ream them, But who cares? My passion is to write ever since I was a boy with very little vocabulary to expound. I don't even care if my grammar was wrong but I was able to finish 3 Novels then (No copies available now) and more than a dozen short stories that only my closest of peers were able to read and the reviews where heartwarming. One friend even literally cried reading "The Way We Were" (1986) and the story still hangs on my memory and if given the luxury of time I might rewrite it again. 
So here I am blogging again, trying to contribute something even if it catches no attention at all. If you are reading this blog, I am so thankful to you that you took the time to listen to The Wisdom of A Fool.   
    The Road Plan for 2011 post records a prayer of declaration...partially those wishes are being granted or redirected according to God's will. Re-reading the entry strengthen my faith even more.   
   Right after the Road Plan... a test of faith, when my daughter Elyona Jean was missing...the story can be read in The Longest 24 hours...
   February 2011, the announcement and intent of ArtLover's Group Blog was created...

   Juggling more than 3 blogs sometimes confuses me...overlapping interest and the effervescent mind is the culprit in all these. Anyway, as I journey into this realm, I am so thankful for the people who had inspired me, in their own special blogging way. 
   From a simple personal journal type Wisdom of a Fool blog that simply reflect my complex interest, this blog has turn into an advocacy...after much contemplating if my researches actually would made sense to the general public. Now, I realized, even if they just shrugged it off, the need to share these info about Secret Societies' Satanic agenda is also vital and necessary for salvation. Not sharing the truth is also a sin.
   My sincerest gratitude to those who spend their time reading my article. Especially those who trusted me, that I am worth a blogger whose only passion was to communicate...
   keep on writing bloggers--the essence of the real cyber space was in this purpose. Let the information freely move and be the last bastion to the take its stand on "Freedom of Expression". 


Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.-- John 15:13


  1. Congratulation Fher !! #00 is a large accomplishment. Looking forward to 600 more !!


  2. A milestone, congrats and many more to come.

  3. Yo Fher! Kudos!
    Keep it up , u r already going good soon it will be great.

    Yes start re-writing coz I trust u write d novel u mentione again i wil love to read.

    Keep goin artner....ths journey s enduring..


  4. Thanks Sulekkha :)
    and Mani, about the Novel, I need the luxury of time.


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I remain