Saturday, June 9, 2012

Where are the Good Samaritans?

   Maybe now I understand why there are not so many good Samaritans out there. I was trying to reflect how easily I have judge people...why people would have second thought in doing what is proper when it should be automatic?
    Some even turn the other way and intentionally avoid  a person having difficulty. I don't blame them...
   Before me and my wife decided to adopt an abandoned Mother and her 2 years old son, there were some hesitations on our part. It's not that we don't want to help but the fear of helping...the fear of trusting. Yet, our heart was heavily burden so we asked God for guidance.

Where are the Good Samaritans?
   Letting a total stranger into your house had been proven fatal to some. There were many cases of robbery and even murder committed by the same people whom the owner of the house trusted and let inside their home. 
   Just a couple of days ago, a woman went to a police station to report a house maid who kidnapped her daughter...I also recall, An old man was killed by his own nephew whom he had given shelter, educations, and everything...Scam and hoaxes are not isolated cases where we had totally given our trust to someone...
   Helping a stranger is like feeding a snake unmindful about the danger of the venom...

   It's not the first time that we had sort of adopt people inside our humble home. Mostly had been only headache...but nonetheless, me and my wife had this soft spot...who would help if we don't? That was our unwritten advocacy even if we don't have a big house for accommodation...even if we are just making both ends meet. People just come and go, some had been bless in their own lives, a family of their own and are now living a prosperous life that sometimes help us too. 

   This time we had a mother and a son in our house. She had been sort of an acquaintance of my wife--she met sometime ago who regularly buy from us our baked Empanada. It so happened that her husband had abandoned them running away with another woman. How can a man be that irresponsible?! It made me really mad...Anyway, she had no relatives here, she's from Mindanao and unemployed...Nothing to pay for the house they are renting. She can't find a job either because no one will take care of her child plus it would be hard for her to be hired because she had trouble walking. It seems the end of the road for her. 
   Last week Bella told me, that she saw her with the child walking aimlessly on the road carrying some scrap materials. She told my wife that she's going to a nearby junk shop to sell some of their things, "For our dinner..." she explained. 
    My heart was broken so I told Bella this: "Okay, you can bring them here..."

   So are we just going to close our eyes when we see the opportunity to help others?


  1. Fher u n Bella have such big heart, you are far ahead than the low things like jealousy, dishonesty n all...Bt I care for you so truting people now n then can lead u to trouble as well since you have kids at home as well. So wen u have strangers please take care f ur kids first (I know u will before I say but just coz I care n i know how mean is d world

    My parents n me are also such soft hearts but since they have been decieted by people now n then I am the one who has become more harder on this front n keep a close watch n warn them now n then can I change anyone's intrinsic nature....

    God Bless u bella n ur kids fher...loads of blessings for u all....May he bestows u all with such abundance that u may keep on helping the needy...


  2. My friend Fher,
    As imperfect humans, we live in times where trust and faith are major factors in our decision making. In today's times, everything is all about self. Yes, kindness and generosity exists, but most of the time they come with conditions. In Ac 20:35, the Bible tells us we should assist those who are weak for "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving".

    There can be no doubt as to the kindness and generosity of the hearts of both you and your wife. I am sure having to feed extra mouths cannot be easy, but you are doing it without hesitation. It may sound like a cliche, but it really is true that you reap what you sow. You are a good man Fher and I am sure you would not go out of your way to put your family at risk. Keep on doing what you're doing, but please be careful. I would hate to learn that something had happened to either you or your loved ones. You have my utmost respect for who you are and what you believe in.

    Thanks for sharing this thought-provoking post.

    Body Of A Woman

  3. I so admire you Artner. As much as I have all the good intentions, I know my parents wouldn't allow me to let in any stranger in our house the way I did when I was younger.

    My mom said I'll turn our house into a refuge center (well, it has always been my dream to have a children's center).

    But for the last couple of months, playing the Good Samaritan happened to my colleague at work. She took in a young mother with three kids because the young girls were being sexually abused by their own 'addict' father.

    It was such a sad plight and my colleague was in a dilemma. Thankfully, they got financial aid from the Senate and the young women and the kids went back home to the province far from their miserable life here.

    Reflecting on your post, I could only be of help through words. I have put my family at risk with the people I allowed into our personal infos and etc. back then.

    It isn't easy but here's what I've learned, God puts this needy people right infront of the 'right' doors.. and the 'right' people to help them.

    I know your resources might not be enough but God will always be there for you.

    I pray you discern well and know when to say No, Enough, or Yeah, it's time to help.

    Take care Artner and always the best for you and your family :)

  4. My Dear Kuya Po,
    Now I am really thankful to God for bringing such pure souls like you in my life.

  5. When we reach out to touch another we touch the hand of god !!! You my friend hold god's hand

  6. You and your wife are incredibly wonderful. As you have pointed out, there are hazards of helping people or inviting them home. Personally, I am for helping people. Though I am not as magnanimous as you are, I do my bit.


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