Monday, August 13, 2012

Helen Up Next, Learn from Noah

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." -- John 16:33

Be of Good Cheers!!!

   If you think reading the Bible is a waste of time, think again. It take years to build the ark, the same way, that God test our determination and faith. One nail at a time, one verse at a time and soon we have faith enough to carry all the living creatures in the world.   

   This article must at least start with a good note. A lot of our Countrymen are still recuperating from the devastation of Gener and it's aftermath. Sometimes I pity the position of PAGASA for being the one to bring us the bad news most of the time...but someone has to say it anyway. 
   Up ahead is the 8th typhoon to test our faith...don't worry if you fail to exercise your faith the last time...there are still about 16 more brief case to open. So deal or No deal?
   If I were you, NO DEAL. God holds the future and we can rely on that even if the future seems blurry. 

   So here was the forecast of what will happen on Philippine skies this coming week:

Typhoon HELEN Forecast Track

Coordinates: 16.8N, 129.9E
Forecast Tracks:
(1) 550 km East Northeast of Casiguran, Aurora - Monday
(2) 410 km Northeast of Casiguran, Aurora - Tuesday
(3) 300 km North of Aparri, Cagayan - Wednesday
Movement Speed: 11 kph West Northwest
Strength: 55 kph near the center
Rain Volume: 10-20 mm/hr (Heavy to Intense)
Distance to Land: 720 km East of Casiguran, Aurora

Please visit PAGASA DOST Project NOAH to monitor rain probability and level of river or stream in your area.

   Those at the evacuation center might stay a little longer there in the meantime. Some area are still flooded and in fact, the water is still rising. 

   Remember our reactions into anything will reflect the kind of faith we had. Noah may appear silly during the construction of the Ark but later we realized some crazy stuff may actually save us. 
   If you think reading the Bible is a waste of time, think again. It take years to build the ark, the same way, that God test our determination and faith. One nail at a time, one verse at a time and soon we have faith enough to carry all the living creatures in the world. 
   Did I just say it all over again?

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