Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Flood in Our Place (Video)

More or less two weeks now our neighborhood is still flooded since Typhoon Gener hit. Fortunately for me and my family we are on higher grounds so the flood just lasted overnight but this footage will show you just a block away from us the flood will probably stay a little longer. 
     During typhoon Ondoy the water last over a month...and we hope things will be better this time. 
   I was deeply burden in heart for the children's education since nearby schools are also I volunteer to teach the kids around my neighborhood. On my third day now and I already feel fatigue because I under estimated the task of teaching multi-level. I conduct different activity for the elder kids and the younger students. I was surprise that most of the elder kids still can't properly subtract and multiply. And the younger ones had a hard time writing. 
   Anyway, they said the regular class will resume Monday...they would probably divide the classes and use those classroom on higher floors. I don't know what will they do to those evacuees.   
   So this video will show you the actual situation here, taken by a concern citizen...

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