Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cyber Crime Prevention Act

   There's an unfinished business that I must do...Nah, this is not a vigilante statement, what I mean is, in spite of my hectic schedule these past days, at least I should blog something on the day before Cybercrime Law shall be implemented. Yes Pinoy bloggers that will be tomorrow. 
   Hot topic now of electronic geeks nationwide. So what's it all about? 
   I check the content of Republic Act No. 10175...There's one scary paragraph under section 4 : 
   (4) Libel. — The unlawful or prohibited acts of libel as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed through a computer system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future.
   Libel seems to be too strong a word especially in the traditions of cyber sharing. Then Section 5 is even more scarier, that is, if you re-post or even liked a statement deemed "mapanirang puri" (Libel) you are considered liable and deserve some punishment too. (At least, that's my interpretation of it)

Ceasefire!!! Hold your mouses hackers...
   So, where's the implementing rules? At this stage, maybe the people should not over react yet...not in the meantime...we can still pray, that the implementing guidelines wouldn't be too harsh to petty crimes. Now what are petty crimes anyway? 
   The trouble with this is, it's too hard to label a libel, what I mean is, anything can be considered a libel. Like if somebody say I am cute and then I react "No I'm not cute...I am handsome." 

    Anything you say will be used against you. Beware! Anyone who has personal grudge against you can go to court and file a case...of course, haters can always look for your flaws. Believe me...that's a scary fact. Anyone who hate you, will just have to wait for your criminal "comment"...

   Seriously, libel is too abstract for the common people. The innocent can actually go to jail by simply expressing what he or she feels. That is this administration's Martial Law according to people outburst. 

   I've just realized that Filipino hackers are world class. So they can actually ruin your browsing experience. 
   I think it's the only crime people actually support. Ironically, the masses is directly Preventing the Prevention Act. Chaotic and confusing isn't it.
   Lately, the Aquino administration is doing a lot of backdoor move. This law was passed in haste and silently. Unheralded and it just exploded right in front of Internet users face. 
   Suspicious? It's necessary I guess for the government not to conduct public forum on this matter since it would categorically fall victim again into another RH Bill debate syndrome. They want the law very bad. Why? How would I know?! 
   The author, I forgot who (just over heard it), said that in the original draft "Libel" was not included. The original intention was to deter real crimes like pornography, Scams and fraud, identity theft, bullying...and so on. So where was the insertion happened? This people should be checked. What are their intentions? 
   I have to post this blog now before midnight hits or else I would be charge against RA 10175 for asking. At least, this blog happened before the law was passed. Goodbye freedom!!!!!!!!!! 

   Think long and hard about this item on the News:

   Lawyer James Mark Terry Ridon, national president and general counsel of Kabataan Partylist, explained that DOJ can “theoretically invoke” Section 19 of RA 10175 to impose a total access ban on social networking sites in the future.
   Section 19 states, “When a computer data is prima facie found to be in violation of the provisions of this Act, the DOJ shall issue an order to restrict or block access to such computer data.
“This effectively gives the DOJ total control of the Internet in the Philippines. As only prima facie evidence is needed, the new law has done away with due process,” Palatino said. (Source)

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