Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Did Bro. Eddie Changed His Plan?

I'm a little late on  posting this video message from Bro. Eddie Villanueva but anyways, I need to review this stuff because of recent change of plan from our Spiritual Director. The video was about his message for 2013 prior to his unplanned candidacy. 
   Honestly I was surprised when recently Bro. Eddie announces his bid for a  Senatorial chair. Although there may have been change of plans on his political career but definitely God's plan must supersede everything. That's how I see these sudden filing of candidacy by Bro. Eddie. 

   Jeremiah 29:11 - 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'

     People had that option to change's also a reality that sometimes our plans fail. It is also a reality that sometimes we rely on our own plans instead of God's plan. 

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   On the video Bro. Eddie said, forget the former things...Okay! Let's forget the past 2 Elections were our beloved candidate fail to make it. But we made a good fight, at least we tried. 
   As mentioned by Jeremiah, God's original intent is to bless us but sometimes we chose other means to obtain those blessings.  

   When asked why he would run a 3rd time he said something like this: "Ayoko dumating ang panahon na binigyan ako ng pagkakataon na gawin ang nararapat ay di ko ginawa...." ( That's not his exact words in Filipino but in English we can translate that to one of Bro. Eddie's favorite quotation: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.

   If people thinks that its an intended strategy from Bangon Pilipinas Party, I'll tell you none of those things existed as early as a month least there would be rumors first but none of those exist. Simply, this is a change of plan...God's plan? It doesn't happen all the time that COMELEC allows late filing of candidacy. That could be a sign.  

   First, let us consider the current war-of-words inside Senate. These bickering is unhealthy for the institution. I believe we need someone like Bro. Eddie in between these useless arguments. We need a person there that all the Senators would respect (I assumed) or at least listen to. There is too much politics inside our Government institution, we badly need someone that will neutralized partisan interest. 
   Look at our Party system. These jumping of candidates from one party to another clearly shows that all they cared for is not platform but personal interest. All they cared for is to WIN and never mind even if you are sleeping with your enemies. They are now spitting and throwing stones against the hands the once cared for them.    
   Mr. Villanueva is not beholden into any Party causes. His advocacy had always been for Love of God and Country. The TV Program Diyos at Bayan had been a living proof for more than a decade now. He had been an activist before God snatched Him to work in His vineyards. He was in prison, falsely accused and nearly died for those vision... He had been an advocate of Freedom of Information before it was even lobbied by our law-makers. His dream was to form an office that will uphold and protect Transparency on Government Transactions. Something that we badly needed not divorce, RH Bill, buying war planes, etc...   
   Bro. Eddie had come this far to give up the fight. His heart had always been for social reform. Would we take that vision away from anyone? But he was often criticized for this dream (although to us it is his calling) and downgrade him as an ambitious zealot. What's wrong for a Religious leader to take Political office when we allow Action Stars, Rebel Soldiers, Businessmen, and even Gambling Lords to win
   Two thousand years ago someone take a stand to fight the Government, he exposed the political and religious leaders BUT we nailed him to a cross. It's time to change our plans or views into this matter...Let us allow Godly people to lead us instead of leaders who buy and sell our Countrymen.
   Like I've always said: "Helping people is not done inside the church do it in the streets." Spiritual things doesn't happen inside church alone as well as doing the the right thing. 
   Others murmur and complains...but some folks take a stand like Bro. Eddie Villanueva. 
    Once again...I am not ashamed of the Gospel. 
Jeremiah 29:11 - 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'

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