Sunday, January 6, 2013

JIL People Annual Anointing of Oil

Not all the water in the rough rude sea
Can wash the balm off an anointed king. - Shakespeare

First Sunday of the year...therefore Jesus is Lord Church's annual anointing of  oil for faithful member was held. It's a must for the Body of Christ to be anointed to start each year right. To receive the Lord's favor for the whole year is far more important than having 12 kinds of round fruits on the table or wearing polka dots to welcome 2013 which the unbeliever religiously observes. 
   Without the Lord's favor of course everything will be in vain. As head of my family I made sure the complete attendance of my wife and kids for that Sunday service...We can be absent on church some other day but never on a day of significant importance.
   Faith and faithfulness are two different things. I told Elijah, my eldest son explaining why we need to be smeared with oil. Once again, I have to explain to him that some things are needed for symbolical purposes. When we enter into a contract we need to sign pages of document to bind the agreement and that was how the anointing of oil is to be liken. 
   We have to make sure that before entering into anything, like the Israelite before claiming the land of Canaan they have to consecrate themselves before The Lord before they acted the war. Thus, for Christians we have to renew our vow each year (possibly each time we enter into a big decision or new goal) as a covenant and for me to make sure that God is with us all through out the year.
   It's a difficult task to pray for each and every family member but I admire that dedication by our Church leaders to make sure every individual get their anointing, blessings, and prayers. A personalized prayer that suits every members need. Time was no importance to our Pastor, he make sure we get our blessing and anointing for the year. The regular 2 hours service was extended and everyone get their much needed prayer for 2013.

   Now that me and my family are anointed we are ready to face the New Year ahead. God Bless everyone.  

1 Chronicles 16:22
King James Version (KJV)
22 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

James 5:14

14 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

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You may also read: My JIL Journey

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