Sunday, March 3, 2013

How Books Came To Me

How I got my first Holy Bible (King James Version) is a miracle in itself. An answered prayer, that some of you might simply dismiss as pure coincidence. Although, I've said before that coincidences are usually divine by origins. Actually most of the books that gave me vital information came to my possession in remarkable ways. As if, Heaven had dictated and orchestrated that it should fall on my lap. 
   The first Bible that I ever read, was those mini pocket size book given for free by Gideon Bible society. That was during high school that got me really  interested into reading. Perhaps the first book, that I actually read from cover to cover. I don't have a good academic habit...but when it comes to reading the Bible, I do it constantly. 
   But the copy that I had then only had the New Testament books, with the psalms and proverbs. 
   My interest on the scripture then was actually just mere curiosity or as pass time activities...Well, maybe a sincere search for the truth sometimes...

   After the nth times of reading the New Testament I've prayed to God that He would let me have the Old Testament collections also. In few months that request was given...I had the complete KJV Holy Bible with concordance. 
   The amazing thing about it was that it was a personal Bible of a Christian Minister...whom he gave to his nephew, who was at that moment uninterested and an inactive Christian, who in turn gave the copy to me. 
   Later on, his newly born baby, is perhaps the first human being that I pray over to be dedicated to God...we do not Baptize someone who can not answer for him or her self. His father was crying with real tears that time, and said I have a very powerful praying voice.   
   Back to the book story, The church leader explained, that it is for his personal use, and was used for his preaching. Thus, it has some sentimental value for him...
   It may not be that incredible to be considered as a miracle, but it is an answered prayer nonetheless. There is always something special in this Bible, that it is still my favorite Bible, even if newer versions are much easy to read. Well, it was only lately, that I've discover that most versions of the Bible are being corrupted. It's not God's plan to confuse His people but this is simply to show that there are evil people willing to conceal revelations and spiritual understanding. This torn and almost brittle book is still the best source of inspiration to me even if its hard cover are gone...
   Anyway, during my earlier life as an infant Christian, I had the passion to understand or to know more about God and about His words. So I asked again, that He would give me the wisdom to understand what I am reading or what He really intend to say. I ask for wisdom to understand the Bible. The Bible was so important that God himself, caused it to be written and bind together. So, I thought if it is important to God, then it should be taken to heart. 

   His answers came in rather unusual way, which further strengthen my faith in God and to His son Jesus. How books slowly build up on my collection was a remarkable story to tell...
   As if God is giving me a background on what's really happening in the world...
   I was introduced into the occult world. This was of course unknown to me during that time. I thought I can practice fortune telling and still be a good Christian. I've been an unwilling victim into the esoteric agenda. I became interested in reading occult manuscripts and even went to The National Libraries to research about these things. 
   One by one, books and resources came...not from the libraries but by unknown mysterious instance: one of the most important discovery that actually lead me into further reading and research was Hal Lindsay's "Satan is alive and well on planet earth...", it gave some of the basic deception of Satan, in spite of it strange title was actually a very revealing article that I would suggest for beginners. This I've just found among my it came to be there was unexplained. No one in my family knew...
   I just don't understand how I came to own some of my books. I just found them on my rack, and yes although I bought some too, most of the books that had been an eye opening to me came in rather strange way. Like, I would   discover a brand new, unused (you can tell it by the smell) book inside a trash can...somebody must have been feeding me with this resources....
   Or at one time, my mother would bring dozens of books, given to her by friends saying they came from so and so who were having spring cleaning...and out of this collections I would found some of the best information, that during the time of my reading actually didn't make sense but in the long run was proven a vital information. This just didn't happen once or twice, but many times...
   I would find pocketbooks, journals, or diaries  inside taxis, jeeps, or bus...if there were people who are fortunate to find lost cash on the streets or vehicles, I have this strong magnetism in reading materials...
   Reading material just came to me. Even those pocketbook, or novels that I have read came to be a preparations or advance knowledge for a future research...some are good literary piece but as I digress now, came to realized they were part of the puzzle. 
   Now, most of the books are gone...thanks to typhoons and floods but their lessons remain... and the mysteries of their appearance still lingers. 

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