Thursday, October 25, 2018


As this journey of mine with TGC...things becomes clearer to me now, that the real battle is truly not against flesh and blood but principalities in high places, who control everything from how we should think and act. This made me more aware and even more prayerful knowing there are men and women out there who are dedicated to destroy Yah's people. The synagogue of Satan...have been working for a very very long time to confuse and to deceive us. From Education, Religion, Politics, to Science...they are everywhere... but NOW is the time of Great revelation...
Come now fellow Ophirians or The Yahudim let us spread the word and Rise up against this evil generation of serpent and expose them. We can't take this oppression anymore.
Thank you once again for actually bringing into our attention "To Challenge Tradition, Test every spirit, and ultimately to Prove ALL things." which Yahuah God did not withhold from us but actually encourages us to do so. The TRUTH shall set all Yahudim free.

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