Friday, August 12, 2011

   My mind was erratic yesterday...not the typical bad hair day, it was in fact one of those feelings where I have those excess creative juice that calls for an outlet. So I pick up some of my trade tool...gather all the 8 visual journal in front of me...the tempest swinging from all corners. Smack in the middle between two storms, that was in the News. An opportunity to feel nature on its passionate mood. 
   So I thought I'll be able to come up with new image/s for After Image 8.2...noon time rolled gently, it was so easy I almost fell asleep. In fact I did have some short nap that I did not remember if it ever occur. My mind was wandering, creating, outpouring...into nothing. None. I just held my pencil in mid-air...nothing comes out. "I thought this would be a day filled with colorful outburst."
   The internet session haunting me. There was this gnawing thought I wanted to  eliminate...I don't want to be in bondage with this domination. I'm already a being higher than the common Man. Not a sparring creation but a reasoning spirit. I was made of that material...or immaterial...or non-physical object. Ah! But some man just can't accept ego centered they think their worldviews was Bible itself. 
   Now, I would not let my highly evolve brain stoop down on you. I had fairly answered your questioned and debated intelligently BUT...
   Here I have to co-exist with the world that was not totally in agreement with what I have in mind...or at least from lessons I have gathered from experiences. From sources that does not conflict itself. I found only one book that speaks of the past, present, and future...and accurate too. 
   Leave my strangled thought at this moment...better breath on pure love.

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