Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Regaining the semi-forgotten influx of divine light...having strokes of nausea for not being able to fully utilized the energies. Diversified item rushing in and out of my head...When will I write the controversial death of Andres Bonifacio?  Or would I still be needing a reaction on another controversy...about the work of Mideo Cruz exhibited at CCP? 
   Well, I've already make my comment on the guys favor of him. Although I'm not personally impress. Art does not necessarily have to depict images and ideas we prefer. Okay, I may be partial on these issue...I'm not pagan like Catholics who revered icons and bow down to graven images. Maybe that's the answer...both parties will never meet. The art community does not treat images as holy (as they are abomination to God as well) but just mere symbols.

   I understand the initial reaction of Catholics; this is bcoz of an irresponsible reporter from ABS-CBN Mark Logan being judgmental and not investigating further and inciting Catholic faithful to “hang” the artist and even advises to be force to drink “muriatic acid”. A cruel response to a person expressing his own view. 

   An ignorant reporter (and irresponsible as such) lead to confusion on a rather fairly natural human observation on what’s really happening. 

   Here we shall take the word of the artist, which I prefer to believe even if I don't see any clear goal but just to scrutinized and play with images...but that's how art stress the point...

   Here's an article from Inquirer Lifestyle section...(Click
   I dislike the work  of M. Cruz "Polytheism" barely on its artistic merit. Why is's too compound and complex to pin-point what's the real score. It's just vandalism to me...of course classified as a contemporary art it usually thought provoking...maybe he gets what he deserved. I will consider it of course as not junk but art. 

“This is how I see the Filipino way of life — colorful, varied, full of conflicting beliefs and values. Can’t you just see these same images pasted on the walls of houses in the urban poor communities? And Filipino society, its racked with economic and political turmoil, and then there’s religion which frequently involves itself in the entire conglomeration of issues and developments,” he said.
   Sure enough, if one does as Cruz advises — close your eyes after seeing the images, breathe and think– the walls begin to speak about the Filipino condition.
   “Everything around us can be considered as symbols, some are actually only symbols more than anything else. How we understand these symbols, how we use them is what gives them power and meaning,” he said.

   In the past, as I will surely be doing in the future, I have written a great deal of exposure to Catholic religion as the actual personification of the devil's deception in the form of worship. They have made their follower's eyes so clouded and probably hypnotized...not to see the plain truth from the Holy Scripture. Are this guys really reading the Word?
   I have many friends in bondage to this falsification...I understand also the consequences of arguing into something they rely their whole life with...investing far beyond than life.So don't mess with that...
   Another typhoon schedule to hit landfall by tomorrow.
   Last Sunday, show at Bauan, Batangas is fulfilling too... seaside and a river...or was it a stream near the house where the 7 year old celebrant lives and had her outrageous packages of everything from photo booth to cotton candy and ice cream.There were some guest who fires gun to entertain themselves with the male machismo...Oh they are hurting the waters and soil.
   Amazes how people would be willing to die for what they believe to be sacred. I will be too. 
   Now here's a work from Aree M. Salvador-Marin that makes me merry for a couple of seconds...I hope no one get offended by these.  
by Aree M. Salvador-Marin

   Art must be able to represents the truth...or the truth the way the artist sees it. BUT there's a responsibility attached...always. Self-censorship, not unless you intend rebellion or inciting a mass murder. 
   Chapter 4 for Crazy Picture Fictions is on draft stage right now...still hunting for images and blogs to link...hopefully get ideas and stick to the flow of the story. 

UPDATE: Police have battled to restore order as rioters went on a rampage in north London, torching vehicles and buildings amid widespread looting in response to the fatal shooting by police of a local man.
Eight police officers were injured in the violence and taken to hospital. At least one has a head injury.
The mayhem, which broke out in Tottenham just before sunset on Saturday, followed a protest over the death of a 29-year-old man during an apparent exchange of gunfire with police. (source:


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