Monday, August 8, 2011

Re-focus on the illumination

For quite sometime I've diverted my attentions on the moment...breathing in once again Realizationism or the understanding of things I have been awaken from the not so distant past, maybe around 5-6 years ago. 
   With this renewal I think I'm having the grasp once again...the direction of my evolution. The process had been worthwhile but painful...even filled with chaos. Why was that? Well, I've taken the pleasure road as detour and so my vision was temporarily muddied. You see, sometimes the effect of sins can go a long long way ahead to your future even if you already repented and live a brand new life...a struggle was inevitable but I knew God will resolved all these since I've already put my trust in Him.
   As one of the many steps I'm doing now is re-connecting to beauty...of seeing values and energy in everything. Living or non-living things. Sending love energy even to not lovable individuals or I should say difficult people.

   5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart       and lean not on your own understanding;      6 in all your ways submit to him,       and he will make your paths straight -- Proverbs 3
   Been busy...went to Batangas province for a show. The usual thing I get blockbuster hit for my face-painting. The venue was a resident  near seaside and a stream right in front of their house. There were some gun shots and I don't know if they are military or politicians but it seems a natural thing there aside from the town known for balisong (Filipino knife)...banging for salute? Well, what I've notice are the good values of this are respectful. 
   Another illumination scheme for a better processing is reading and editing my early blogs which are less serious, well let me say serious but not quite investigative in links and sources, just like real journalist and a professional writer. Just in case someone accuse me of poorly written post. So I think it would be worth reviewing my old post...specially earlier post when I started blogging. Some are just hurried reactions without taking much time to stipulate or elaborate. 
   I had some blog on line-up right now...and will definitely consume more sleepless nights or will require more of me but I have family affairs that needed attention just bare with me if I get too slow in progress sometimes. Plus if my art will require more of my attention too.
   Moment moves so I can not say I will stagnate on current events...particularly some new trends arising on the newsroom. In all these I will just focus on moment as they appear on my dashboard. 
   I have some on-line list of reactions to make is about the controversial CCP exhibit. About finding another realizationism writer although on different terms...have to read more. 
   Probably I'll be needing a week to reconfigure my early blogs, and that is dependent once again on the speed my internet connection is supplying me.
   Just stay tune.


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