Monday, May 7, 2012

Sex Symbols and Porno (Part 3 on Symbolism)

Before we continue with our discussion on Satanic symbolism, let me tell you about the article I came across last week. It was another attack on the authority of the Bible. This time it centers on the character of St. Paul. The author who guise on a pen name accused Paul as the anti-Christ himself. He site some verses from Paul epistle, which he claims directly link him to the devil describes by other gospel writers. Do you buy that? He was taking verses and lambasting it out of context. Thank God, the comment was disabled or it would robbed me again base on experience of valuable time disputing a person who will not listen anyway...if he or she had just allowed people to comment, there should have been a chance for him to re-think his theories. 
   Evil hates the light and so they operate in darkness. They are afraid to step up in the open because they fear their evilness will be exposed. It reminds me of another person I met 2 years ago who dispute the Gospel of Matthew.   He claims Matthew was fictitious and was full of inventions just like myth and fable. It seems the devil agenda was to one by one discredited the Holy Bible until we only have the  table of contents left for us to hold. Come to think of it, they have also attacked the Contents and remove some of the "inspired" writings which was no longer available on general circulations like the book of Enoch, Maccabees, Testament of Levi, etc...and they are now branded as Apocryphal books. (Do not worry God had preserve the important messages on our modern canonized collections)
   Anyway, regarding my debate to this Matthew haters, they simply run out of responses to my comment, and begun to attack me as a person. I mean, they divert their attention to my authority. They said, if I am man of God, then why I paint naked women. Obviously that was an immature response but with convicting truth in it so if you notice I reduce or avoid painting the way, I don't remember posting frontal nudity, even those taken from my youthful years or former secular life.  
   I had explained my position on nudity in painting but of course you can't convince an enemy to believe you. They don't know what is in my heart anyway and I am answerable only to God. But anyway, since we are into symbols here maybe it is also necessary to talk on this issue. 

Sex Symbols
    If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. -- Matthew 5:29
   Although my pure intentions to present the human body in my drawings as expressions of beautiful without malice , there are some who think this is not glorifying to God or edifying to my Christian life. Is it really not a good witness for my testimonies? So I refrain (limit) myself from doing it anymore...
   Yet there are times that it was necessary to stress my point...and obviously to attract an attention too. Later works was rather tone down or censored for this argument to settle down. But in all honesty, this is for the benefit of those who are weak in the flesh, I am now avoiding the detail into my symbols. 
   Nudity was not my problem anyway, it was dependent on who are looking. Even if I painted a female body with respect, there are still those who would pervert the view. But I strongly disagree in classifying a nude painting on categories of Pornography--are nothing but blatant lie and rude...constricting the possibilities of creativity.  In fact mocking the purpose of creations.
   Originally, Adam and Eve had Spiritual coverings before the fall. Their eye begun to be malicious only after they have the eaten the fruits of good and evil. Now, that I have regain that Spiritual covering again after accepting Jesus in my life, I no longer see myself naked anymore. Those who see the nakedness are the spiritually dead. 
   Sorry to say this, but if you still get turned "On" with naked pictures or people kissing then probably you better check your spiritual life. If you are a Christian and still having trouble or disturb looking at a naked body, then maybe this should be controlled...or worst, pluck those eyes. 
On Pornography
   Now, this is altogether a different area. Pornography is very dangerous since it leaves a lasting mark. The images and scene are retain in our memory and may cause us to sin furthermore. WE should avoid being caught in this situation.
Ephesians 4:27 ...and do not give the devil a foothold.
    The potent power of mass-media can expose you to pornography by surprised. I have a personal experience with this when I was still working at Print Town Complex, when I key in the word women in my browser intending to surf a rival magazine, I was instantly lead to adult sights. By that unusual incident, I realized the danger of internet to our children. 
   Sometimes, no matter how vigilant we are to protect the young ones against adult materials other form of media are easily within reach. It seems a futile battle against the devil devise so what do we do?                  
Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. -- James 4:7
   Surrendering to God, means admitting that we are sinners...let us recognized that we are vulnerable flesh that needed help. As human we have no power against the spiritual powers so don't dare to confront host of demons or you will be easily devoured by them. This is where most Christians failed thinking since they accepted Jesus Christ, somehow they also now possess the power, anyway, the Holy Spirit dwell in believers isn't it? 
   With the verses shared above, it was clear that we don't have to invite a challenge with devils. Further here are best advises on what we can do:
1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.1 Peter 5:9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.Ephesians 6:13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
   Going to places that you will be expose to unpleasant images isn't resisting but actually exposing yourself to be tempted. 
   BUT there are secret sex symbols that most people are not aware of and are innocently worshiping these porn gods by giving reverence to them. What are these sex symbols? Example one: Christmas Tree. 
   From the first part of our discussions about symbols I pointed out the "Obelisk" as an occult symbol that can be trace directly to the Mystery Religion, and why it was mysteriously erected inside the Vatican. 
   What is an Obelisk? It is a long four sided, narrow tapering monument with a small pyramid figure at the top, most are 70feet tall while others are much taller. It was said to be the petrified ray of the sun-disk. It was one of the most common symbols that represent sun worship but it is more than that. An obelisk is also used as fertility symbol. 
   Related to an obelisk and also another fertility symbol is a Christmas Tree, rabbits, pine cone, Easter eggs etc...for further reading you can check this on The Armor of God in my article about Christmas Tree and More...
   It often made me wonder why the occult spend so much importance to fertility worship and even the Secret Society themselves incorporate these pagan symbolism in their designs and architecture...The Sun is worship because of its power to fertilized mother earth. 
    Let us browse to some of this Fertility symbols. Remember they are not just adornment or ornamental in purpose but are worship (idolatry) as they are and the occult themselves believe this things possess magic.
    Recognized this Pine Cone somewhere? This is The pine cone staff of Osiris. Egyptian Museum in Turin, Italy. 

   You recognized the pine cone of course because you have seen it in the Vatican Courtyard. Take note also of the peacock, and we will elaborate more on that on future articles.

   Pope John Paul II wearing a fish mitre, and carrying a staff with both a bent cross and a pine cone fertility symbol. Notice the four-spiked solar symbol on his mitre and the Maltese cross on his robe. 

   Page 37 of Catholic historian Theodore Maynard's The Story of American Catholicism says, "“It has often been charged..that Catholicism is overlaid with many pagan incrustations. Catholicism, it must be added, is ready to accept the accusation—and even to make it her boast." 

   Note also the arms of Jesus shaped down into a "V" on the Pope's staff. This is a sign used in occultism to show victory over the Son of God.  Source: Great Controversy Picture CD, LLT Productions.
   Little by little we are discovering The importance of symbols to the occult and secret fraternity. From here we had an overview to the ritual related to this symbols...the very basic of how the occult functions lies on these and you shall know them by their symbolism and use of this secret signals.  
   Further, we still have more to tackle on next blogs like Corporate logos and hand signal so I hope you will continue to check this blog...I also encourage that you do your own research on this matter or share this info to others. 
   Let us pray without failure, so that the eyes of people will turn to this issue and that they may all escape from bondage of  occult symbolism. It grieve me every time I saw these people innocently kneel and bow before this symbols. The hypnotic power of this images blinded them... 

Jeremiah 6:10 To whom can I speak and give warning? Who will listen to me? Their ears are closed so they cannot hear. The word of the LORD is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it.

An icon of Mary feeding Jesus in the milk grotto. People come here to pray for fertility. 


1 comment:

  1. Really interesting post Fher. I am looking forward to more of this. It is a thought provoking post


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