Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Truth Seekers Headaches

   The task that was now ahead of me is already taxing my body...the long hours I continually spend daily on research now shows and I'm beginning to see changes on my appearance. I need to unwind...what I mean is to stay away for awhile in front of the computer...breath fresh air. The level of Satanic affairs I wish to expose can't be handle alone. Plus there are some commission art works that I must rush. 
   Rendezvous with my art doing sketches will not help me now. So there will be no entry for my visual journal for maybe a couple of days. Face painting schedule ahead too... Thank you God for providing. 
    Yesterday I played Monopoly with my kids. We reach dinner time but none of us goes bankrupt...the kids retired to bed after eating and I return to my task...
   I prompted some blog as scheduled for publication. I do this so I wont flood my reader with info....I have 25 drafts too that needed attention....working on more research and affirmations. I also need to scratch some idea that doesn't fit the big picture.
   There are still many article that I've promise to elaborate like Chemtrail, fallen angels, etc....
   Focusing myself on symbolism for now.
   There is also the obstacle of separating the real truth from the half-truth. 

   Those that have begun their own research on Satanism and New World Order should be extra cautious on using Google and Wiki searches...some of what I've read there are misleading. Always take a second, third, and even fourth opinion. Gather the least common denominator...those that doesn't make sense are most probably not true. 
   Misinformation assassins are very much active too. They are paid liars to spread lies and false conclusions. 
   Can't post my latest painting again!!! My computer just wont read the USB port from my cellphone. 
   Trending now is Thrilla in NAIA. Mon Tulfo, Raymart and Claudine. This isn't the first time that press people came into brawling situation with celebrities but definitely this one is traumatic on both parties. Who throw the first punch? The one who need to defend something... I think the threat would be more on the Santiago's side...Poor Tulfo was mug and bloodied. Public people should always watch their actions...
   Speaking of actions, I'm studying body language at this moment...very crucial...
   Just like my blog, when it comes to NWO people seems to be afraid to take sides on issues. They remain silent...but there are some people who is already opening up to the issue. The statistic shows...
   A small percentage of world population are aware about all of these...
   The only thing Obama need now is civil unrest. If he can paint to the world an enormous havoc happening in the US then it would be no sweat...Martial law anyone? NWO anyone???
   Philippine against China? Wait a minute, haven't check the latest on these...the last thing I heard was there are already 9 military ships lurking on the horizons. Can we wrestle with that? 
    Grrrr...I still can't make the USB function. I had two lovely painting that needed to be shared. 

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