Thursday, May 31, 2012

Zombie in Miami

This News item shattered my sanity for awhile...with a video to support and eye witnesses that confirm, I have to concede that there is indeed a real life Zombie or at least the drug induce kind. 
   A former North Miami Beach High School football player Rudy Eugene (31) was found eating the face of a homeless drinker Ronald Poppo (65). 
   Eugene died in a hail of police bullets when he mauled Poppo in a sudden and unprovoked attack. Eugene will be forever remembered as the Miami Zombie.
   “Rudy was not a face-eating zombie monster,” said his high school friend Victoria Forte. “The Rudy we know was a nice gentleman with a warm smile, and funny.”
    It’s unclear what brought the two unlikely characters together on the MacArthur Causeway. Poppo was known for hanging out on and under the bridge there; Eugene liked to go to South Beach for Memorial Day Urban Beach Week.
   A Miami Herald video showed Eugene on the Miami end of the MacArthur Causeway shortly before 2 p.m. Saturday, naked and in an apparent drug-fueled rage. He straddled Poppo, punched him, tore off his clothes and gnawed at his face as at least four cyclists rode by and the newspaper’s surveillance camera rolled.
   The carnage ended at 2:13 p.m., when Miami Police officer Jose Rivera ordered Eugene to stop, and then shot him at least five times. (The Miami Herald)
   This uncensored surveillance video from the Miami Herald building shows the 18-minute face-eating attack on victim Ronald Poppo on the MacArthur Causeway. Police arrive at the scene, shooting attacker Rudy Eugene around minute 18.

   Witnesses said, that Eugene even made a growling sound when the police try to stop him. Police theorized that it maybe a case of cocaine psychosis where a drug dependent individual pretends or hallucinate to be somebody else. It would have been nice if he take on a role of the less dangerous zombie type, we found on Michael Jackson's Thriller. 
   Seriously now, others might attribute this to a new but more lethal drug that could induce violent episodes and therefore, more of this kind of attack  arise again. You just don't know how urban legend are form. More Zombies in the streets? 

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