Friday, June 22, 2012

As Times Goes By...

Life isn't smooth'll meet pirates along the way. 

   How's everyone these past days? It seems the change of season had also changed my mood. Been drifting to less stressful existence, Idyllic ...and it seems the breeze during late afternoon are reverberating a calming effect on me. Was it only me? I heard the chirping of birds lately despite the noises. The more tangible trickle of rain as it splattered on the ground. Maybe because I focused...not allowing myself to be bothered by vanity. 
   I can't really put the right words to express what I am feeling these past days. The Holy Spirit is probably teaching the lessons of calmness...the value of each moment. 
   So how does it feel to live in eternity??

  I took my son's bike and drove around the neighborhood yesterday...something I haven't done for quite a long time. I promised myself to do this more often. Why I haven't done it more often?
   Today...I open my sketch pad and made me feel much better. Browse all the TV channel and found nothing...looked at the sky...there's a promise of will be a strong one. 

   Prepared the materials I will use for Tuesday...A face painting for a children's party. Another show on July 4....and speaking of July, I will be a year older on the 10th. And on the same day my sister (Gina) and her family will fly to Canada. I will sure miss her...well, I already miss her now. She's the only sister I have. I mean aside from my other half-sisters; she's the only real sister I had. 
    We don't see each other that much anyway even if she lives in nearby town...but now it's a different thing knowing we're ocean apart. I'm also going to miss her kids. 

   Dolphy, the comedy king is in terminal health. Everyone is clamoring that he be declared a National Artist as soon as possible while he still can enjoy the recognition. How old is he anyway? 80plus? He deserve to be awarded the summit any artist dream of...He is indeed a treasure and the prize should have been given a long time ago. Thanks for making a whole generations of Filipino laugh at his funny antics. 

   WBO said Manny Pacquiao did win over Bradley but the belt stays where it is. How was that?! 

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