Monday, June 25, 2012

China's Rammed and Ignore

I don't buy the diversion tactic of China. Chinese embassy spokesperson should be more sensitive on people's sentiment. Should we remind China that there are 3 fishermen still missing and one had are they trying to say that these men are liars? And who are they to attack the media instead of sincerely investigate on the issue. 
   It is so heartbreaking to read reactions from China's representative like these:
    The Chinese Embassy has not received any reports of a Chinese vessel colliding with a Philippine boat last week, spokesperson Zhang Hua said.   
   Zhang said “media reports” that an alleged Chinese vessel rammed into a local fishing boat in Bolinao, Pangasinan last June 20 remain to be verified.
   “Upon seeing the stories, the Chinese Embassy immediately checked with the relevant authorities in China and was told that, up until now there have been no reports of vessel collision accident or SOS requests on the reported dates and in the reported waters,” Zhang said.   Zhang added: “We wonder what that news story was based upon. We hope relevant persons can verify the facts with a responsible attitude before they report.” (Source)
    Hello Mr. Zhang! Are you ever reading reports? Just what do you mean by relevant person? And who are the relevant authorities you are talking about? The crooks? Come on!!! 
   Who in their right mind would intentionally rammed a fishing boat and report to "relevant" authorities? You don't ask criminals Mr. Zhang, you investigate on them. 
   Why not conduct an inspection on all the fishing vessel that happen to be around during the alleged collision on that same date and period. Maybe that is possible Mr. Zhang? 
   If the Chinese government is really sincere to appease the rising tension in Scarborough shoals and to cast any doubt of intentional ramming of our poor fishermen's boat, they should at least given us concrete response instead of another allegation. 
   The stranded fishermen thought they would get help from a vessel with the "Hong Kong" markings but instead hit their boat which cause the breakage of their small vessel that caused the 8 starving fishermen to plunge into the open seas. Now the 3 fishermen are still not found. Did the Chinese embassy offer help for the search and rescue? They instead blame the media for aggravating the issue. Get real!!! China should stop dictating the act of press freedom and show "relevant" answers instead. 
   Okay there is a possibility that it might not be a Chinese vessel that rammed them. After all, a starving person can hallucinate at seeing "Hong Kong" on any boat. But Chinese spokespersons are too quick on "denial" and counter-strike.
   A rebuttal instead of resolution is the least a guilty person can do to escape blame. To react like that is like admitting a crime. An ambassador should know better.  
   The Records shows anyway that they don't mind ramming a person to death and ignore. This video will show that Chinese had the tendency to hit an innocent child twice while people just watch as if they don't give a damned. 

Don't Watch if you have a weak heart!!!

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